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(6 edits)

Hello again Miro! This game/demo is already awesome! Is the story focused only on these two characters or you plan to add more?

Hey! There will be more characters to come! Despite the title screen maybe suggesting otherwise...

I knew it! Thank you for replying.

Here's Part 2 of my playthrough of the demo. The next part will drop in an hour or so but this time I'll be playing as the soldier. Any tips ( non spoilers of course) for an occultist playthrough would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and enjoy! ( Also no lag issues this time since im using a different recording program!)

(3 edits)

So i've spent a decent amount of time in the demo at the moment, compiling a list of bugs/issues that arrised.

1: Shotgun has ammo infinite in battles due to to it attempting to use the wrogn ammo type(rifle)

2: house with the redbox, when leaving through the cellar door if you attempt to return through the Cellar door you become warped inside a wall and unable to progress.

3: Same house with the bugged cellar has a glitched over hanging pipe that prvents the playerrom progressing through a specific pathway.

4:Visual bug with lightstands occur in the mayors house, if you light he candle the stand seems to disapear leaving the light floating.

5:  (Unsure if intentional), If you rest inside the mayors bed and have previously used another bed you'll find your self teleported to the past bed after leaving the rest menu.

6: In the house that you can aquire the black matter it's possible to repeatably interact with the plate to infinity gather black matter.

7: As you enter into the woods towards the dog, if you walk to the left near the treelines the dogs will become aggrovated and find themselves stuckon the log allowing the player to bypas them.

8:Before going past the dogs towards the woodsman the player can find themselves shifting through several of the trees, finding their way to the large tree creature(unsure if this was intentional or not), additionaly the player can continue up and to the left throug the tree line you come across out of map mines/bear traps along with sacrifices npc's.

9: After sleeping in woodsmans bed light for the transition for speaking with the moon guy and using hexen appears but when leaving the menu the light persists, re-sleeping in the bed somewhats solves the issue but still occurs.

10: Rarely after cutting off a villagers head with the bone saw the screen will fade black but the blackness will not receed leaving the field screen blackened.

Thanks for the list! I'll doing some fixes now. There are some rather nasty bugs here and there.

How to use the rifles?  Apparently n matter what I click in items I still have only the knife, and pressing SHIFT around does nothing.

You have to equip the rifle first. There is a separate window for equipping things. After you see the character holding the rifle, then you got it ready.

Hey everyone! Here's part 1 of my Fear & Hunger: Termina playthrough. Sorry for the lag in the beginning; it gets better later in the video and is a recording issue, not a issue with the game. Enjoy!


I've been waiting for this for so long, so glad you're going ahead and making more in the Fear & Hunger series

I still suck at it though

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted post
(1 edit)

Game looks great, with ties to a first F&H and eerie atmosphere. Some bugs still persist (e.g. rifle had a description for a bow, same for ammo). Waiting for a full release, cause the demo looks and feels great! Oh, and environmental sounds are great as well!


Awesome <3


Hi Miro,

Congratulations on releasing the demo. I will preserve myself for the full game, but it sure is tempting...

Anyway, the reason I'm contacting you personally here is that I wanted to know if you were interested in having a japanese translation made of Fear & Hunger. I've been an avid learner of japanese for 3 years, and while it would be dishonest to say I am a professional with credentials (so far my work has been limited to fan translation of mangas), it's a project I would put all of myself into given how much I've loved the game.

I think that given the quality of your art, the fact it uses the RPGmaker engine, and the horror/sexual themes that are so prevalent, it would sell pretty good among the japanese audience.  It could be truly beneficial for both of us!

Please lmk if if the offer interests you, and we can start discussing details.

Deleted 4 years ago

I put a link to the discord on the game page up there.

How long it took? Hard to say because this game was built on top of the previous Fear & Hunger game, so many of the features were already there. Only graphics and new enemy behaviour had to be made in those cases. I think the game has been 6-8 months in development, but the development has been overlapping with the updates to the previous game, so.... it's a bit hard to say really lol. I'm glad you like the stuff. It's good to know the details matter, because they certainly require more work.


Hi there, I am a youtuber and I hope to get more supporters from you guys just by leaving a like and subscribe at my channel.

OOF, what can I even say about this game...

I have to say that I love the concept behind the game and the ability to hack off different parts of the body to do the most damage or to protect your dying members. I am loving the idea of being an occultist in this game XD and I hope that the occultist can have moves to attack the enemy as well and have the ability to use a gun? I mean they should at least know how to pull the trigger if the gun is loaded.

A few issues with the game for now, is the fact that we cannot save the game :(. I know its a demo but I would love to save the game so that I would not have to restart after making progress. I know that the game is still ongoing so the dismembering of body parts issue (when you cut off their arms, they can still deal a large damage to you) is a little illogical as even if the enemy can headbutt you or kick you, it would barely do much damage as we can dodge it but I think so far as I played the game, we are unable to dodge the attacks? I'm not sure about that. Another problem is the lack of items. I actually played the game for another 2 hours to see what else was in store and managed to get the ex-soldier to join my team and revive a dead corpse but I am unable to survive after 5 battles with the villagers when I encountered the beasts. (Trust me I tried to run but I couldn't escape the beasts) I hope that there will be more items in the game in the future as thats what was really lacking in the game.

Overall, Orange boi, this is an amazing and excellent game. I am actually extremely excited for the full game when it comes out. Please let me know when the full game comes out cause I really want to play it. Please email me too XDDD. (By the way, what do you have to do to complete the demo? I got a key from the mayor and then I died to the beasts.)

Thank you.

Occultist can use the gun (there's a rifle on the wall next to Levi). You can save the game by either using a book of enlightenment (random loot from bookshelve) or by resting on one of the (two?) beds. I agree that `tackle' deals way too much damage right now, and they should lose the ability to tackle if their legs are cut.


Hey thanks for the feedback! I will check out your video soon enough when I get some time to breath. As lepnak said, there are few ways to save in the game. Beds being the most consistent ones. You just need to secure the area first, otherwise enemies will jump out on you. The game has it's fair share of bugs and balance issues. You can consider these demos beta-testings or something. There are bunch of different items to use to help you survive though. Like beartraps can help a lot. There are some items that give you great benefits in battle too.

Thank you so much for replying  XD and the information given to me to attempt once more to complete the game! I will try it again and will upload another video of your game if I do manage to complete it. :)

Hey orange, is there more than 1 gasoline cans in the game? If there is, can tell me where the 2 gasoline cans are at XD

(1 edit) (+1)

Orange you outdid yourself, im loving,loving this game! I hope you enjoy my voice work this time around for the characters!

Hey thanks! I need to check this one out as soon as I get some time to breath :O It's surprisingly hectic everytime even a minor demo gets out. Let's plays are a great way to see how people play these games. I got such a tunnel vision when I do my test runs, that many things don't even occur to me.

Fear & Hunger was one of the best games of 2019 for me, can't stress out how much i loved it, and now that i know a sequel is on the way i can't stress out how hyped i am for it either! Thank you so much guys, and best of luck for you in this game and future projects! <3


Thanks for the nice words! Hopefully Termina can live up to F&H!

Do you have an ETA for when the game will be 100% done?


No, sorry. I'm really bad at planning things. It's not anytime close though. I'm planning on following similar schedule to the first game where I drop new demos for a while. Although there certainly is more done compared to the first demos of F&H.


Back to it - 


Yeah hey needless to say I'll be checking this out asap!


Really cool game. I like how you "create" your character.

Thanks! I think it's a cool feature too. I'm surprised how many videos people put together in such a short time.

Cant wait to play it! Will there be a linux port in the near future? Totally cool if not, I have no problem running this through VirtualBox. Just curious (keep up the great work!)


I think I'll add Linux port soon! My internet started dying after uploading these 2 versions on a couple of sites so that's the reason I didn't include it here yet.


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