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Good morning,   

I am also from germany and just purchased the game. I also wanted to ask if I possibly could have a Steam key?  

Either way, looking forward to playing this game.

Hello there,

German here too and as many other previous buyer asked, do we get a steam key too? I already asked a mod on discord, but he couldn't help me, but he tried and I thank him a lot.

Hey Orange,

Im also one of the people, who would like to get the game on steam aswell. Since im from germany i wasnt  able  to buy it from steam directly  and  bough it  over here. But i still would like to own the game on steam aswell.  Is it possible for you to  send me an Steam Key?

Hey Orange,

I'm from germany too and just bought the game. I would be really happy if I could get the Steam Key for it.

Hey orange,
I'm from germany too and recently bought the game. Is there still the possibility to get a steam key?

i checked out the demo after the eyepatch wolf video. 
Played for a good hour.

I went into the mines with my skeleton army after selling a girl for a claymore and lost all progress because the game froze after the crawler ghoul charged me..

is this intended?

Is it possible to get a Steam key?

German here, too. Just bought it and I'd like to have a steam key if you have any

Deleted 1 year ago

Hey could I get a Steam Key too, yet another German here.

Hello, another German here! I bought the game can i ask for a steam key? 


hi orange~!

i bought this game a few years ago i think around when it was first released -- it did yuck my yums and i ended up refunding it, HOWEVER. i ended up repurchasing on steam because i ended up maturing a little, and realising that if i was willing to read and enjoy something like berserk, i could give f&h another chance. and i must say the fear and hunger series is extremely good. like... ive spent a long 40+ hours playing the first game on steam with like 8 different save files and i am enamoured. 20 year old me was a little too sensitive about things but now that im 25 and have given the game a real chance it's really something else -- in a good way! the heavy topics in the game are handled with a respect that can be so easily misplaced or forgotten. everything from the lore to the art style, to the different endings and possibilities of what can happen in the game... the attention to detail is astounding. its a hard and rough game -- not many games will have me giving up too much progress to restart because something unfavourable happened. the rewards come with a real risk. its an unforgiving game that isnt meant for everyone, but i think it is something that adds real value to this genre. both games have been a real challenging but fun and interesting experience. i personally put them up there with the likes of ib and mad father -- those stories have stuck with me ever since ive played them, and the fear and hunger series is going to stick with me too.

im sorry for the essay, but i wanted to give a little reflection with my experiences with this game. i guess it is also a review too. i genuinely wish you the best in all your future projects, because you have quite the talent!! thank you, orange~!! :]

Hello! Wanted to say that I love this game, and I'm looking forward to playing Termina next. I've played many the RPG in my lifetime so far – I'm 28 – and this is such a breath of fresh air for its gameplay. Have you started thinking about another F&H, or are you concentrating on updating your current games as I've read in other comments? 


Heyja, really love your game. Shame it's not on the german steam store and i had to find it over a youtuber, as it'd be definitely something that'd show up on my recommendation.

Now i am wondering; Can steamkeys be activated for german users, or will it just give us the good ol' "Yes you're a fully grown adult, no you're not allowed because it has benis in it."

The game would greatly benefit from a manual.

The only information on items/effects/mechanics that is available is in some random wikis and they are not thorough.


Hello there! I am one in a seemingly long queue of Germans who would appreciate a steam key. So far, I have only bought the first one after being absolutely enraptured with the world and lore you have created, so no doubt the second one is on my list in the near future. Excellent work!

Also from Germany, bought both Fear & Hunger games on, but would really like to have them on Steam aswell. I'd even pay a few dollars more to have them. :/

Hello, I am also from Germany. I bought and already played your game, but I'd like to add it to my Steam collection if possible. A Steam Key would be greatly appreciated.

Heya, I recently bought F&H to get started on this awesome game.
Unfortunately Im from germany, and you already know of the situation over here regarding Steam.
I still wanted to ask, if it would be possible to get a Steam key? :)

Ty in advance and have a great weekend!

Are you gonna add either of the games to mobile? I assume you won't, I kinda feel confident in that but I still don't know 100% whether you would or not.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, I just bought the game on this page and downloaded it for mac as the Steam page doesn't exist in France (idk if banned or whatever). I rushed into buying but my mac has an error message when trying to open the game (Impossible to open "Game"). Does it work on M1 mac or is it Intel chip exclusive? Thanx in advance :) 

Visually interesting, but this feels more like a rage game than a horror rpg.

Hi Orange, big fan of your work! Was playing the game with a friend of mine over the weekend and we got absolutly hooked. I'm unfortunatly also in the postion, that I'm living in germany with this wierd blockage of the steam version. Would it be possible to get a steam key, as I've seen from previous comments that this would work? I'm also planing on buying F&H2, but as far as I can see the same Steam issue aply here (Steam would be very favourable in the long run). If Buy F&H 2 now, would be possible to get keys for both? Sorry for the inconvenience...

Anyway, realy nice game with such an addicting atmosphere. Loving it (eventhough I get my ass kicked the whole time :D)

Great game, got absolutely addicted to watching all the lore and unique interactions with it on youtube. Was about time I bought it too xD

Sadly I'm also affected by german Steam laws, otherwise I would've bought it there instead of itchio, would it be possible to get a key for it there? 

(1 edit)

Hee, I just bought the game and downloaded the mac version. When I unzip the file and try to start the game it says mac cannot open it because the developer cannot be verifyed. 
Any help on that?

p.s.: I am also from germany, I think a steam key would also work for me

Ok so I managed to open it somehow

but the save option doesn't work properly
I am able to get into the save menu and choose a file but it doesn't save when I validate the file
did you have that issue before?

Would love to buy your game on steam but i also live in germany. Can i contect you via mail?

Orange, Could you add achivements in the Steam Version of the Game.I think he would be cool


I contacted you through about a request for a steam key. I hope this is still possible. :)


just another german who wouldn't let steam cockblock me into playing this game. 
I spent the last few days playing it and i am so in love with it to the point of obsession. sylvian would approve. if i could form a marriage with this game i would. i will spent some more time running around losing my mind and then play your next game. this has been my favorite indie game expierence in a long time. keep being awesome.


Hey could I get a Steam Key too, yet another German here.

Had a few issues getting the game to open. Now I can get to the menu and begin playing, but the game exits itself of after running for ~10 seconds. Any ideas?

(1 edit) (+7)(-2)

As many people are spreading misinformation here: 

This game is not "banned" in Germany. Valve is not a branch of the German government yet. Therefore their decisions are not legally binding in this way.

The Fear and Hunger games are not even on the index that means there isn't even an advertising ban. And even the "confiscated" state in most cases does not mean that private ownership is illegal.

This is a Steam issue not a German legal issue.


I guess the wording is incorrect in that misinfo, but Steam has region blocks on all adults-only games in Germany. Adults-only games are legal in Germany, but it requires stronger age verification than that of Steam's. I guess Steam just went for the simplest no hassle solution and just region blocked those games.

So yeah, it's not like Germany has F&H on blacklist or anything. But when people say it's banned, I doubt they think they have problems with F&H especially. It's just an umbrella term for the issue.

(1 edit) (+6)(-7)

I see posts like:

"The Fascist state of new Deutschland banned your game here, thankfully I can bypass steams anti-porno filter through itchio." 

Rather concerning, as it is just blatantly untrue. And uses very "loaded" language.

Or to quote a full post from you:

"ah... Unfortunately Germany has banned F&H. The censorship is just more strict there. I believe all Adults Only games are banned there, no matter what the reason for that rating is. If you buy it on itchio, I can give you a Steam key to go with it, maybe that way you can bypass the watchful eye?"

Which led me to actually investigating the index situation. And I could not come up with anything. Proving a negative is impossible. So I find it concerning when a dev uses factually wrong statements like this for, dunno, PR oppression points

I might be a bit too on the edge on this topic due to rampant Russian propaganda everywhere. But factually wrong remains factually wrong. And the wording you choose here is very close to the stuff the bots post. As they try to paint a picture of a "Western enemy who is even worse then what they are doing." Especially censorship is a popular topic among conspiracy theorists.

So they way you used those words in this blatantly false statement really rubbed me the wrong way in a really really bad way.

I am not here for political alarmism, I actually wanted to buy the game. And I am always happy if I can get around the scummy wallets of Valve or worse companies. But after seeing that post I had to make sure that I am not giving direct financial support. To a propaganda arm of an army that's currently attacking a neighbor. That's just a line I am not willing to cross. But That's the extent of my "activism" You are free to delete this. Or ask me to delete this, to which I will oblige and set this case to rest. Which means there won't be any follow up from my side in any way shape or form. I just wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt before I draw my conclusions. Which is a step that is too often skipped on the internet in my opinion.

Also since I did the research now anyways I am more then willing to share:

Official website of the institution in charge of the age ratings. Specifically the part talking about the "index" simplified as "banned" even though that's not actually very accurate in the vast majority of cases as even indexed games can still in most cases be commercially sold and owned. Yes, age ratings. Remember when I hinted that "banned" is often an exaggeration? Well, "entirely unsuited for children" doesn't matter if you are only selling to adults. So that's why "censorship" is just factually wrong here and additionally "loaded" from propaganda use. Also even actually banned works can be discussed publicly by everyone who is not acting as the creator. Because there can be a ban on advertising and that can be a fine line if you directly benefit from sales. But it's entirely irrelevant for everyone else. Another point against the accusation of censorship.

So there is actually an easy solution for Valve. Just add a proper age verification. Or an opportunity for a competing companies. But in your case. You might benefit from this:

This is the place where the "bans" are published, again, extremely simplified. As this site covers all updates including cases where games get removed from the index. Yes, games can get a reevaluation that gets them removed. And that is made public on literally the same place, even in the same type of document. They contain a list of new entries and old entries that are removed. So the index is not just growing.

Indie Devs like you are probably legally in the green if they just mark their game as not appropriate for children.


The general gist is:

The bigger you are, the bigger is your responsibility.

Literally starts with:

"Größere Anbieter von für Kinder und Jugendliche relevanten Diensten müssen angemessene und wirksame Vorsorgemaßnahmen treffen, um diese effektiv zu schützen und ihnen eine sichere digitale Teilhabe zu gewährleisten."

First 2 words: "Bigger Providers"

But admittedly that's uncomfortably vague. I would just make my online shop "adult only" if I had no legal team. Which would be 18+ in Germany. We are still not quite in the internet age, to quote Merkel: "Das Internet ist für uns alle Neuland.". Actually a meme. Mocking out of touch politicians. But also an actual quote.

But if i was in an actual, and I quote:

"Fascist state" I guess this post could get me in trouble. But I am so unafraid of that that I post this without VPN and provide you the police page to report me to:


you sound like a nerd


Can I get a steam key even though steam is not banned in my country? :D

Hey there! I'm interested in playing this game on twitch, however I'm really worried the sexual related content could get me in trouble with Twitch. Is there a version of the game that has the sexual related content censored so I don't have to worry about Twitch btfoing me?



Hello just got the game and really like. but sometime the screen freeze I still got the sound like opening inventory but nothing show up and the character dont move. I'm on the Windows 1.4.1.

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