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Can somebody tell me what these icons are? What do they do, and where did I get them? I can't find any information about them online yet.

I've had the above, and I've had this one:  before.

They have only ever appeared on my main characters, only one at a time, on different characters, and they seem to be permanent once they show up. 

Unless I'm just seriously oblivious, they don't seem to have any impact on combat... that I can tell. I haven't found any equipped item or party member that either appears or disappears with, either. 

AND! I can't even remember when or how either one appeared! I want to say the top one miiiiiiiiiiight have appeared around the time I summoned my first demon baby, or possibly when I reached a higher affinity with some god, but there were several things that happened right around that time on this character, so, alas, I can't remember. I just know I suddenly noticed it, and it NEVER went away. I unfortunately just have no recollection of when or how the second one appeared. :(

One thing I'm almost entirely certain of, though, is that they appeared pretty quietly - I definitely don't remember ever seeing a dialog or anything that said "you got XXX!" at any time.

So yeah... anybody know anything about either or both of those icons? 


It's a real mystery huh? ;D

I'm pretty sure you got this if you could get Pocketcat to like you


Will this game ever get on Steam? :) or will it be staying here on :)
Cause I really wanna buy it after watching John Wolfe playing it, but if it's going on steam, what with achievements and such, I'd like to wait and see!
Will keep an close eye on this, though :3

The only trouble with Steam, is the reviews tend to be more... unforgiving. The game still has a lot of bugs, unfortunately. My personal fear is that it would be considered in the same light as Fallout 76, and is so brutalized by early reviews that it never gets the limelight it deserves. Not a lot of youtubers have picked up this game, and if it isn't careful, it might not reach out to more, so I fear.

oooh, I totally understand that!
Hmm, I wish the best for the game, I think I'll pick this up then for myself, and then we'll see what happens! :)
The only thing so far, as someone who hasn't played it, but only seen it, is kinda the same points that this youtuber mentioned: there's a couple of spelling-errors, and then the insta-death seems scary o_O but I'll give it a shot, cause it sure looks promising! :)
would we recieve updates and the likes, when so? :)

What a lovely response :)

Yeah, the script ought to be cleaned up, really. You can probably get away with the script at its current level... but it does bug a lot of people.
You probably already know, but you can avoid the coin tosses by Guarding. It is still pretty easy to die, though. If you want to try something a bit easier and more balanced, there is a community patch/mod of the game which added unlimited saving (for testing purpose), and rebalanced stuff. It only has the first couple of areas of the game, currently, made as more of a demo for how the game can be rebalanced:

Orange stated that an update will be released at the same time as the Steam release, which is remaining at January 21st :-/ . Here's hoping that the game doesn't suffer too badly, due to remaining bugs/balance issues.

Yeah it's coming to Steam. 21st of January unless something unexpected occurs. I'm not 100% sure if the achievements make it to the launch window, but they will be coming shortly after that.

I think we have a disconnect here, between demand and supply. Since a number of people want a steam version for achievements, then releasing it without them will only result in more negative reviews than delaying to put them in. Is there some reason 21st of Jan is so important?

Well it's the date I've said when all the people ask and that's when Steam also gives greenlight, so it's as simple as that really. 

That makes it sound like you picked a date you can't honestly keep, in terms of releasing a working, bug-free game with achievements. So, I'd say it is more honest to move back the date, so you can release a game everyone will be happy with. A whole lot of successful games have pushed back their release dates, often at the last minute--it's totally common in the industry . People complain, but they're still happy when the game does come, and it does well.

someone help me i cant play without full screen i am having massive lag {i play the demo win v}

It's a bit tricky because for some people the demo caused serious lag. The source of the lag was actually mostly fixed, but with the full version there are different people who are experiencing slow-downs, so it's really difficult to say whether the full version will lag on you or not :-/

I am streamlining some of the systems, which might help some, but it remains to be seen.


We struggled with the failed to load _1.png error (definitely after summoning blood golem [or greater blood golem in our case] during the tormented fight - awesome catch!) for well over an hour, and couldn't find a fix yet online, but my coder SO figured out how to get past it immediately without having to close out the game or lose any progress at all! 


  • MINIMIZE the game, DO NOT close or quit
  • open your local folder (*gameroot*)/www/img/pictures
  • COPY file actor3_1.rpgmvp from this folder
  • PASTE actor3_1.rpgmvp into this same folder
  • RENAME the pasted file to _1.rpgmvp 
  • return to the GAME screen and click RETRY
  • [prompt should dismiss and you should be right back in the game immediately]
  • go ENTER AND COMPLETE COMBAT with any other mob

You should be able to continue the game normally now.

We tried getting past this by futzing aroung with files and folders, creating .pngs of various content, sizes, and names (like _i or __1 lol), faffing about with different file paths, even trying to frankenstein image file types, but none of that worked! Turns out, afaict, the .png in the error is a red herring!! Eventually we just went spelunking through the code files, and finally my SO backtracked the location of the error function being called here and (yada yada something mostly incomprehensible to me haha), then Retry worked immediately and we got past it!

I know this is a huge long post - sorry!! - but [1] I really really hope this is helpful to the [absolutely AWESOME btw] developer, and [2] we couldn't find a fix for this anywhere, and [3] I know the behavior is a liiiitlle weird immediately after the fix so I want people to know what they're doing (the best I can explain it, anyway) and exactly what we found and experienced in our fix. 

It does all sound a bit scary on the surface imo, but honestly, I do think doing this is perfectly safe; we've played for quite some time since fixing the error and have experienced no ill effects or other weirdness. However, Orange, PLEASE let people/me know if this is a horrible thing to do for any reason!!


We left the game open with the Retry prompt up. Then we minimized and opened file explorer, and went into the (*game root*)/www/img/pictures folder.  We COPIED one of the .RPGMVP files (we happened to choose actor3_1.rpgmvp because it already had _1 in the name), and PASTED it right there into the same /pictures folder.

Then we RENAMED the new pasted file to   _1.rpgmvp   (NOT .png!!).

I'm pretty sure the file you copy must be one of the actor*.rpgmvp files - and definitely not a png haha - because the game needs party member data to cleanly dismiss the blood golem. You cannot simply create a new file with the correct name and filetype for the same reason - it needs the data to clean up the party member properly. It must be a copied actor rpgmvp file, and I personally recommend just using the one I noted** simply because it's a valid party member and has proven to work fine for us already. I don't know which characters are in which files, so it's possible we just got lucky with a compatible existing file.

[**You could totally try using the actual blood golem rpgmvp file, if you know which one it is, BUT that may - possibly maybe potentially who knows I don't - not work if that's where the original bug is... I'm not 100% on that. If you do try the blood golem actor file, and you still can't completely get rid of the Retry prompt for good basically immediately, I'd just go try the actor3_1 file, myself. You should be able to click Retry infinitely until the error is fixed, though, so none of this should be totally catastrophic; just remember to copypaste and then rename, not rename existing files!]

Once you create the new rpgmvp file with actor data, go back to the game window and just hit Retry. You should be able to dismiss the error immediately and get directly back into the game without losing any progress.

--> **PLEASE NOTE** that this fix causes a very brief weirdness! We've tested several times now, always with these results:

We get a "phantom" floating head guy character (Nas'hrah? meanie jerk with the huge taurus, in the gore hallway outside the jails) placed visibly in blood golem's party slot *in the menu only*. He is not visible walking around with us through the world, and he has no available skills or anything. He appears to be only a temporary visual anomaly present in the menu, with no impact on the game. Further, he is only there until the next completed combat.

In the NEXT COMBAT - and it does not matter which mob is aggroed - blood golem is a proper functional member of the party again, in both the fight scene and in the menu. He automatically appears there at the beginning of the fight, however, without summoning. He works properly and fights in this combat.

As soon as we EXIT THAT COMBAT (still the first combat after the error... and there is a mob right outside the tormented room, super conveniently!), the new copypasted file causes the blood golem / floating head party member to get properly CLEANED UP from the party and everything is back to normal and has been normal now for quite some time, through several fights, events, and save games. 

After completing the first combat post tormented fix, we are still able to summon blood golem, he still functions properly as a party member, and he is still dismissed and cleaned up after combat, every time. We have fought several various mobs in several areas after doing this fix, with no problems on blood golem, on any party member, or in any combat. We have also been able to save and load the game just fine, so this change does not appear to corrupt save files or anything like that... thank the old gods!

ORANGE: It *looks like* the cause for this bug is that blood golem does not properly dismiss or clean up from the party, specifically after using [greater?] blood golem in the tormented fight - because it's calling the wrong filetype of png instead of rpgmvp (and an incomplete filename, most likely, too) upon exiting combat. It *looks like* completing one combat after the tormented fight allows the new file to call the missing function (or just filename?) to clean up properly without any negative repercussions, so hopefully you may be able to copypaste the missing data into blood golem's file, or at least look through the actor files for the .png reference... or whatever is missing! 

As I said, things have worked pretty much flawlessly since that change, but I will update or reply asap if we experience any related weirdness in the future!

ALSO ORANGE (side note): I just have to say this in case you read this post - I can't thank you enough, not only for being so helpful and responsive, like all over the internet, but even moreso just for making this unbelievably cool, unique, cruel, insane, hilarious, creepy, disturbing, petty, twisted, unforgiving, rewarding, peerlessly creative, stunningly well-made, scarily addictive, and extremely fun game for all of us!!! I have never played anything quite like it, and I am genuinely by-proxy super proud of your achievement and very happy for you. I sincerely and truly hope you make a million dollars (at least!) on this game! I'm introducing it to everyone I can, so I hope to help make that happen!! :D

We've been playing for over a week now, every chance we get, and literally every single time we play, SO and I both say something like "wow I can't believe how good this is" and then of course "hahaha holy cow, the messed up things this game makes us say!!" ...usually several times each. Seriously, I wish you the utmost success with this game, and I can't wait to see what your warped and corrupted ;) mind comes up with in the future!!!

Yeah, I know I probably sound ridiculously gushy and starry-eyed, but I really do mean it. You've created something genuinely awesome, so thank you!

Oh, wow.... awesome work! Thanks for finding this fix, and sharing it with everyone!

I'm VERY happy to help! :D

Mask (or anyone, really), PLEASE let us know if you experience anything weird by trying it. We have actually beat the game with 3 different endings now since doing that, so MY experience is that it's pretty solid. That said, I would hate nothing more than to recommend an action that messes up somebody's game!!


Woah, this is comprehensive analysis on the bug to say the least! :D

You're right on the source of the bug. After the tormented one battle, blood golem stays in your party because the game is missing the function that removes him. When you open the menu, blood golem got no portrait graphics and that causes the crash.

I should put a disclaimer somewhere on how to evade this bug until I get the the update out. In short, if possible don't use blood golem in that fight or if you do, don't open menu until you've been in one fight after that.

I have already fixed the bug, but since it's so cumbersome to update the game currently, I've been postponing the release of the next update. I'm trying to have it out by the 21st of this month. The update will bring some bigger changes to the game too and additional areas, enemies and items.

And I'm really glad you're enjoying the game despite it's occasional technical shortcoming! And million dollars huh? :D That's a goal......................................

"In short, if possible don't use blood golem in that fight or if you do, don't open menu until you've been in one fight after that."

Actually, if you happen to use blood golem in that fight, you get the error and get stuck no matter what. As soon as the end fight dialog closes, the error appears rught away. You can't even walk around or anything! At least that's what was happening to us.

I think the ONLY way you can continue the session after blood golem there, at all, is to create the new file. 

Wow, you're on top of things! Thank you so much! Just remember, nobody's gonna die if you take your time with the updates! And now that there's a fix posted for this blocker (hopefully nobody has problems with it!!) that's one less reason to rush! :)

And I'm dead serious, I hope you get filthy rich from this game and that it gets the recognition it deserves. You made an awesome thing. From what I've seen, it started small with a couple youtubers, and it's already blowing up and being talked about more and more. I hope it keeps the momentum!!


Oh I saw RiskRim evade the crash by not opening the menu, but I guess it varies. In any case thanks for letting me know again! :D

And yeah, I'm taking my time with the updates. I like to post larger updates so people don't need to be updating the game all the time and this way the updates also feel more significant when everyone can actually see the change in many areas of the game.

Are you having any particular difficulties with uploading updates, Orange? If there's any trouble with upload speed, you could try uploading a hotfix separate from the main game, with the related .json files. The mod I'm working on, for example, is just little json files, so it's easy for me to upload new updates to

If at all possible, you should be uploading new updates continuously, so as to squash known bugs and find out any others.

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I have been trying to progress for over an hour. I watched a let's play and the room that's supposed to let you progress further is not in my game.

I'm pretty sure I downloaded the newest version. What am I supposed to do?

The dungeon layouts change between playthroughs, so you're definitely not guaranteed to have the exact same path as somebody else.

What are you trying to do? Where are youbtrying to go? We may be able to help you, since the dungeon configurations are somewhat limited. But your best bet might just be to explore the area yourself (that is part of the fun of this game, at least for me!) and look for the object you need all over the place.

I can give you a tip that may be helpful, though: Certain indentations in the walls are actually doorways, or even closed doors. If you see a place in the walls that is deeper than the walls around, walk into it, and if that doesn't work, press enter on it!

The position of the LEver room has changed, now. That, or it just changes between seeds. Go past the Ballista guard, near to where the Caged stairwell is (the one you can't enter). Somewhere around there... there's a false wall to the left you can walk through, where the lever is hidden. Go along all the walls, I think you can see the lever room if you do

The balista guard is in the level 3 prisons right? I searched through entire prisons, there is no balista guard where I saw one in the playthrough. 

I may be wrong, but I'm not 100% the ballista guard always spawns. I think it's possible he's not there for you. I think...

The lever has been at the top of the prisons, toward the right end of the level, within another (unlocked, iirc??) room... at least for me so far.

It was suuuuper easy for me to walk right past the door to the interior room it's in, several times, because the doorway is kind of hidden.

Sorry, didn't realize the ballista didn't always spawn. In that case, you just need to start touching all the right and left walls in the place, until you see signs of a secret room, or go through one of them.

Yeah like the others said, the dungeon layout can change a bit. Look around and you will find what you're looking for!

This comes up after I defeated a White Angel.

I chose no to take soul, devour and searched body. Then went to check again because I wanted to devour, and the fighting sound began, screen went to black with this error.

Also I have the Eastern Sword.

I am a Marriage with a Skeleton and Girl. 


Oh.... Thanks for letting me know! I will check it out the white angel if there is anything that causes that!

Just a thought, but may be the fight with the Eastern Ghost happened at the same time as I went to use the White Angel body? And this caused a problem with the fighting scene background?  I am just grasping at straws, because I don't understand how the game engine works.

Also, thanks for this awesome game I've currently been spending many hours sinking. :D

Yeah this is actually really likely. It has happened before with another encounter. I will have to fix the Eastern ghost!

So how do you recover from a bleeding anal hole?

Someone suggested pinecone.... But really, I'm afraid there is no recovering from some physical traumas. If different annoying status aliments stack up too much, you can always use the marriage of flesh to reset your character in a sense.

Deleted 4 years ago
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Yeah I 've heard this few times now. I'll check it out! Thanks for letting me know!

Deleted 4 years ago

Haha, awesome! :D You ship outlander and the dark priest? o_o That's an interesting combo....

I just found the reason for this bug. It was an oversight from my part. Gonna be fixed in the next update.


And thank you so much omg 

I'm loving the game so far.  In pretty deep so here's a bug report:

  • A hole in the thicket won't let me drop and I KNOW there's something tasty down there. (My biggest complaint)
  • Some lag but remedied by entering new areas.
  • Froze when saving once.

Thanks for the bug report! The saving bug worries me a little because it seems to originate from the RPG Maker engine itself. But I will look into it!

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Really enjoying the game lately but encountered another weird bug, I was lucky enough to find the book of enlightenment and when I went to use it the save menu popped up and asked me to save to a file but no matter what file I selected or however many times I tried to save it would never save. 

I forgot to mention I am playing on the Mac version, not sure if it makes a difference. Tried saving with the book and by sleeping in the bed and no success either way...not game breaking but it's going to be difficult to beat the game without being able to save at all.

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I lost a HUGE save the same way, before i realized that the stupid directory i stupidly installed the game to was stupid read-only. The game itself gave me no indication what the problem was; it just made the "doonk" cannot do sound when i tried to select a save file. I made the folder writable - but then I ended up just extracting to my desktop to guarantee write ability.

However, alas, the Book had crumbled to dust before I figured it out.

Still, I hope this helps.

Thanks schradeya! This is often the case with mac-version!

Mine was Windows!! (/shame) I still can't believe I did that! I knew better and everything... I was just so excited to get started playing I didn't pay attention.

Thanks so much! I was worried it was a bug on the Mac version. I went ahead and made everything writable as well as extracted it to my desktop and now I can save just fine and also no longer get an error code when I try to look at the settings. 

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Something must be bugged- bought the full game but occasionally I get the games ending randomly. First time I was pretty far into the dungeon but second time I had barely even started. Sanity and hunger didnt even have time to  decrease to the point where you start to get the "X is hungry" messages. 

I will try to work on the stability of the game. I was thinking of reworking a certain heavy function in the game which could hopefully prevent this kind of stuff in the future. How often does this crashing happen?

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Totally random. Sometimes it resets itself a mere couple of seconds upon entering a game, sometimes 30 minutes later. Some remarks though:

a) it always happens when I press space when trying to use something

b) I go fullscreen with F4 when entering the game but when it resets it goes back to the standard windowed mode.

c) I had the demo installed before I bought the full game. I deleted the demo before installing the full game but the reset bug/feature was also present in the demo. I thought it was just a mechanic built into the demo to stop people getting to far into the game. Like that 30 minute one shot RE2 demo is.

 For now I am using that Rebalance patch and it has a built in save book so I can save states and still play the game. Not going to do rouge-likes if the game keeps randomly resetting itself. 

Yeah makes sense. Sorry about the crashing. Hopefully few function changes will fix this in the future.

Like a couple other people I learned about this game via John Wolfe's channel. Just wanted to say in the time that I have played it it's run perfectly and I have been having a blast (and dying a lot). If I could add just one suggestion it would be a save function when you exit the game. I read below that you don't want to add save scumming, but a way you could get around this is by having the save file deleted upon death. Anyway, just wanted to say I really like the game so far and can't wait to see what you have in store for the future.

Hey, the dev has said it before once or twice that he did not want to add saving upon exiting because then it would be too convient for saving. Te main tone of the game is to make it feel kinda hard and unforgiving. 

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Coin toss and too high miss chance really ruined this game. I understand gameplay meant to be hard and unforgiving but pure luck being such a big factor is not the right way to achieve it. Please don't ruin your hard work with this bullshit mechanic. It will discourage people from playing, no one want to lose hour of progress just because rng decided so. Look for example at Darkest Dungeon - this game is challenging but within reasonable limits.

Hey Wili. There are some community members who have been dissatisfied with the balance, and want more time spent on reworking it. I also worry that going to a Steam release before correcting this could be hurt the game's future.

We put together a community patch, a rebalance mod that attempts to make everything more reasonable. If you're interested, please have a look at it, and let us know if we can change it to be better. We might want to reduce dodge chance and increase accuracy, even further. And, if it is good... I hope Orange looks at it, and considers using it as a template.

Wow, definitely gonna check it out. Thanks.

Hello! I just downloaded this game today but it's lagging on my computer for some reason. Do you think this is an issue with my computer? Or can I do something to fix this? I really wanted to buy it because I watched a YouTube play it and it looked amazing. I really don't want to return it!

Hey noirbinch! I will try to streamline some functions in the game that could hopefully help with the slow downs.

Hello, another John Wolfe fan here. I watched him play the game and I found it very interesting and worthwhile. I just downloaded the demo and it's running incredibly slow. It might be my computer, as I've had this problem with other games, but I've read that some other people have had similar problems, so I just thought I'd comment. My computer isn't super high-tech, but it does run games more graphically intense than this. In the starting area the game runs pretty slow, but playable, and in the menu the game runs fine, but as soon as I enter the dungeon it's just instantly unplayable. My guess is that it's all the sprites moving around at the same time that causes it. I'd really like to get this game and I might at a later date, but I'm not sure yet. I'll keep an eye on it for now. Thank you. 

Also, as for the coin toss, I do like it, and I think it's fine where it occurs in the game. However, the RNG does seem unbalanced, and I don't like how instant deaths are a frequent  result of it. However, I do know you're planning on changing that and I like the change you are making. Thanks again. 

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Hey! There has been many changes to the game since that demo was made and for many who experienced slow downs with the demo, it was not an issue with the full version anymore. That was the case with myself too. And then people who suffer now with the slow down often didn't have the problem with the demo. This suggests that it's a new and different reason that causes lag in the full version. 

In any case, you can buy the game if you want and if the problem still remains with the full version, I can always refund it. 

Otherwise I will continue looking into the problem and hopefully find some solution to all this. 

Alright, cool. I'll probably get the game as soon as I'm not poor anymore. I'll let you know if I find anything else off. 

Some members of the community have been concerned about the RNG and some of the balance. We put together a community mod, Fear and Hunger Rebalanced, which improves some of the balance issues. If you would like to, please try out the mod, and let us know how we can can improve it.

Just bought the game after John Wolfe did a video on it. Really unique and terrifying. The game has a few problems structurally (saving system is kinda ridiculous), but other than a few small issues the game is great! It's worth the 8$. 

Hey Crow. If you find you're having too much trouble with the saving system, there is a mod that allows you to save anywhere. It's part of a Rebalance mod made by the discord community, but I believe you can install the save book without changing the balance much:

Hey! I recently watched John Wolfe play this and thought it looked super fun and downloaded it. I really like the game but I'm having an issue where whenever I go to the settings (as I just started the game and wanted to check the menus out) and try to back out, I get an unknown error and the game freezes and I have to restart. Love the game, just wanted to mention a little bug I've encountered so far (:


just wanted to stop by to say this game is phenomenal so far, as well as give a shout out to John Wolfe for getting me to notice it. 

Same here! Thanks to him I found a cool game that I probably would have never noticed on my own.


John Wolfe really brought a lot of people here. That's great! I'm glad you are liking the game!


Here is a link to the first mod for Fear & Hunger since it's release, a Rebalance mod:

This reworks elements of combat and survival in the game, making it so DEF reduces incoming damage, and that Hunger penalties work properly, along with a slew of other minor tweaks. It's a prototype, only tweaking the starting areas monsters, and is not suitable for a full play through at this time.

We really ought to have a Community enabled for the game, so that Mods can be posted in a forum instead of in a comments section.

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Maybe the Discord admin for the game could set up a channel in there for mods with a sub category for individual mods?

e: Just made a subreddit if you'd like to throw it up there

Kill Switch was very kind, and set up a mods section. Right now there's only one mod there, but sub categories will definitely happen when more mods are added.

Thank you for the invitation on the subreddit! I'll make sure to post a link there :)

thanks so much for this lol.


the game is very interesting and I decided to support you anyway. But will there be plans for any kind of config to adjust the difficulty? I hesitate to call it 'difficulty' because some of the design choices do not make the game challenging, they just add frustration. Maybe you can add a slider to adjust some RNG elements or  like some have said, remove some bad RNG from the normal mode and include them in a 'hard mode'.

I know devs all have a vision of their work in mind, and sometimes it can be hard to compromise on that. But I believe I'm speaking for many others when I say that more forgiving RNG will only increase the quality of gameplay 

Heck, just knowing where in the game files I can tweak some numbers would make this 100% better. Maybe I will find something if I check all the json files. 

Hey Voduyan. It is possible to mod the game, we're working on a Rebalance mod in the Discord server.  Trying to reduce artificial difficulty and RNG in the game. You can edit the json files and change most of the game. If you're interested in the mod, you should check out the official F&H Discord. Not sure how to set up mods on
If you have any questions about modding yourself, let me know.


Hey voduyan! Thanks for the support! There is a clear uproar about the RNG stuff so I will do some adjustments accordingly. You are right that I have stuck to my vision pretty tightly, but I came up with a pretty good compromise that will remove most of the one-hit kills from the game and give players more tools to survive. The coin-toss will remain, but instead of the one-hit kill, the enemy will dish out a devastating attack to a random party member. This will not necessarily kill the character depending on the equipment and such.

There is no simple way to modify the RNG in the json files, but I will do balance tweaks in the future too if the next update will bring new problems.

I don't quite understanding how upgrading skills work. I find that I could click on some nodes but not others, even though I have a skill  (starting skill) adjacent to it. Is it a bug or do I lack some condition?

Along the left side, you can only get the skills that come with your character. When you start out in the intro, it tells you "you were born with the soul of the endless" or something like that. Faintly along the outer left edge of the hexen scree  is those names. You can only add the skills that match your god. You should most likely have at least one dot for yours, and you should be able to get the rest without any tasks. You cannot get any of the other skills on the left without special circumstances.

For the skills on the right, the ones that have concentric circles, you can only access those skills when you gain affinity with the related god. The top one is Gro-goroth, the second down is sylvian, and so on. The circles depict how much affinity with the god you need to get the skill. When you have affinity, there is a pale white light around the circles that are available; you can only get the skills within the white light.

I hope that answers your question!

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I feel this game has so much going for it, the atmosphere is amazing, the characters are all unique and the designs are great for the enemies, though there are some fixes needed with saving and combat glitches this game is really great, you have a really amazing game here and i cant wait for it to be finished, the mac version 1.0.3 doesn't save which you'd think would make me not play this game till its fixed but the whole feel of this game brings me back and pushes me to go further. Looking forward to further updates. 

Hey thanks for the feedback! I will definitely look into bugs and such and there will be an update coming later this month actually with fixes and new content.

You said the mac version doesn't save at all? Do you mean the save points don't work?

When choosing a file to save your game to, the mac version does not let you select any and will repeatedly make the box for file 1 flash until you either press x or z where it just exits without saving, with going to settings in game making the game crash.

Thanks for letting me know. I wonder if you got the mouse cursor over the screen when doing this? The mouse can create conflict against keyboard commands some times. I might have to delete the settings from menu until I find what causes the crashes.

The mouse is present during the entire game so i could be that.

Game runs really slow most of the time and is unplayable, even though my computer probably has the specs necessary to play this.

Hmmm.. I've heard similar problems before too. I'm still looking into it. Someone said that the RPG Maker RTP could potentially fix this, but I have yet to confirm this.

Oh, ok, hope you can find a fix. I really want to play your game, seems really interesting

Deleted 6 years ago

I dont believe the developer ever intended this feeling, if your insinuating that he would like to savagely "rape" people then you are wrong, it is just to get the tone across and he had trouble even making this part of the game. The guarding works, i tried it myself before. Could be a insta-ill bug with the torso part. And the intro part, i really got no comment on that one cause I couldn't care less about it.

Hey akidfrompa. It sounds like you encountered a lot of bugs. One thing to watch out for is the mouse-bug, where you can't effectively select targets with the mouse. You need to keep the mouse right in the bottom right corner, and use the arrow keys to select the target.

Don't know about the guarding bug, sorry. It work for me, that it prevents coin-tosses.

With the intro, here's a tip: You can hold down Z to skip quickly through the text. So long as you hold it down, you won't accidentally select options, either.

Hey akidfrompa! I can always give you a refund if you want that of course. I don't want to leave such a bad taste in your mouth.

With the ogre scene/player experience comparison - That's actually partly what I wanted the experience to feel like at first :P 

BUT I also wanted to give players tools to climb from that pit and conquer the shit that the game throws at you. There are still many bugs around and I'm fixing them the best I can. Also the coin-toss RNG is clearly something people don't like so I am doing some adjustment to that too. Basically the coin-toss will stay, but instead of the one-hit kill, the enemy only dishes out a devastating attack to a random party member (if the character got full health or good equipment this will not kill them). This will be in the next update that will come later this month.

But yeah, I'm sorry you feel the way you do and if you want the refund still, you'll get it. :-)

Thanks for the feedback!

You might want to make it an aspect of a Casual difficulty mode? The coin toss is rather emblematic, and it can lead to interesting death scenes.

You might want to have it that, if the main character is defeated by this coin toss attack, the scene plays out in the usual fashion.

I have to agree with everyone else on the coin toss portion of the game. It takes away from the enjoyment factor. You can't even guarantee that you will get to save. I could understand this being implemented in hard mode but it is pretty unimpressive in normal. Don't take it away just tone it down. It seems the average play time from "lets payers" is about an hour and then they state they probably won't be playing again. I really enjoy the atmosphere, the art style and music. This game is to punishing for me with the odds of a coin toss showing up.

I agree that the coin-toss is really rough. There are a couple of ways to deal with it.

One is to Guard, before the Coin-toss comes up, this should disable it. I'm not super keen on this method of dealing with the coin-toss, as I think it's a very easy way of removing all the danger involved.

The second way is to avoid the coin-toss by destroying the part of the enemy that causes it. With the guard's, you destroy their left hand (the empty one, not holding a cleaver).

If you feel the game is unbalanced, we are trying to fix it up with a community mod, on the Discord server.

Hope this helps!

It is NOT just a matter of the combat coin flips.  Most of them are completely unnecessary and it seems far too often that you fail them to be RNG.  Much less doing a coin flip to save is just ridiculous and I've saved ONE time out of about 25 and I had already been mauled to have no legs in that one so... yeah. 

Add in the mercenary's nonsense of the intro where you need RNG to not screw your game in order to get an ability?  If I get the coin flip wrong there I just close the game and reopen because it's garbage that you get screwed for your class abilities.

Yeah, the coin tosses at character generation are unreasonable. The Outlander can get a fear of everything, if he fails one of his coin tosses.

I'm sorry you've been having difficulties with the saving system, it is the hardest until you get good at the game, then have a really good run, in which case you do get some saves to fall back on in future. The mod I mentioned does include a debugging tool, which less you save freely. At the very least, you could use that to save the game right after creating a Merc, so you can skip the character gen process.

Hey Undeadly! The coin-tosses are clearly something that bother people so I'm actually doing just what you said - tone it down. Many of the one-hit kills will be replaced with strong attacks that are bearable with good health and armor. Hopefully this will balance it out and make it seem less rough.


Heya! I don't know why but my game runs really poorly. :/ It runs slime rancher and other games just fine so I don't know why it runs this badly.

Hey! Yeah I've heard that some people have this issue even if they got relatively powerful computers. I'm still looking into it. Does the game run poorly in all the sections of the game?

It's mostly just the foggy area at the beginning, but it does it inside as well. I couldn't play further cause if a game lags badly it gives me a headache. :/

(1 edit)

Hey! I wanted to get this game off steam, but there appears to be no purchase button, just "Release: January 2019" Edit: I live in Poland, if that helps.

The Steam release is set to 21st of January.

Deleted 5 years ago

I hear you. It's a tricky situation though, because I live in Finland which is like one of the most expensive places in Europe. This game equals pretty much two full years of my life and thousands of hours of dev time so I figured it's not that expensive if you think it like that. The price will of course drop eventually ;)

Deleted 5 years ago

Hey it is going on steam soon.


Honestly you are probably undercharging for this, independent of the cost of living where you are. You put two years of your life into this, don't apologize that it costs money. Eight dollars is nothing for this, and people who would complain about the price would complain about any price it deserved.

You did good with this game, and it's got style. I hope it does well.

Thanks OdicHastings, but with good conscience I couldn't charge more than 8 dollars, because the game is a bit rough at places still. There are many bugs around that need fixing. But I still think there's plenty of things to like in the game and I've poured everything I got into all the areas in the game.

If that's how you feel, that's fair. It's very well made, and it really shows how much effort you've put into it.

(you may have already seen reports on this btw, but I've encountered a couple of bugs myself. One is sometimes I can't change what body part I'm targeting, and the other is I've sometimes been able to do a "double backstab" with the mercenary by fleeing from the encounter I backstabbed into. I think when I flee the fight the mercenary may still be in his stab animation for another frame? So the game gives me another free ambush. It's useful for bringing down guards quickly, but probably unintended xD)

Thanks for letting me know of the bugs. One quick fix for not being able to target limbs in battle would be to move the cursor of the mouse off the screen. The cursor often overlaps with the keyboard commands.


I am NEVER going to buy your game just because of your RNG cointosses... This is such crap


Ah! I'm sorry to hear that really D: The coin tosses can actually be evaded in combat really easily. Just guard when you know they are coming. Loot coin tosses are there to stay though...

I think during save points having that coin toss is ehhh.... Everything else like for loot is fine honestly - and in combat its a 50/50 for me but doesn't bother me as much as when the game allows you to save at certain points and you lose it all because you wanted to save if you know what I mean lol. Otherwise I saw John Wolfe play it and got it myself - and hoh boyo I was in for a surprise. Its really neat - haven't gotten to far into it, but that's the only thing I would say just feelsbad


Hopefully you like it Kitsu289. There are actually save points later on that don't require the coin-toss. It's just the first half that the game is at it's most ruthless. There are also some save items that don't require coins either, and you can get those pretty early on..

That's not a problem then in my eye then, I thought for a moment it would be like that for all of them- and yeah lol... I'm not backing down with my character yet (legit lost two of their legs and died twice but somehow lived twice) but I might do another character from scratch. Its really well done.

Dont get mewrong I love the idea, I like the game, but even darkest dungeon toned down on the RNG, after the community outcry, that the RNG was too much. i hope you put less RNG in it through patches and I will surely give it a try.

(1 edit)

Hey Chris. The community actually has put together a mod/fanpatch, that tries to reduce RNG and rebalance some aspects of the mod. you can find it on the official Discord server. The coin tosses are still in the mod, so it may still have too much RNG for your taste.

Hm.. I could try it out less RNG would translate into more fun for me.

An page was put up for it:

If there is still too much RNG for you, please let us know. There's been talking about reducing enemy dodge chance and upping accuracy even further.

They actually are not RNG tho, they are always at specific areas

Video of the bug. When I tried making love to Enki, at first, I was surprised and happy that he was ready to do so, but then nothing happened and the characters turned invisible. (I hope the video link works). In the video, I tried preparing for it: I cleared my equipment, lighted the candles, prayed to Sylvian, hoping to prevent the bug from happening again, but it happened again unfortunately. Am I doing something wrong on my part maybe?

Thank for the video! (It's nice that you put on the candles for the mood ;D )

It is actually a bug that has appeared with the full release. It's weird because it used to work just fine, but now I've heard similar reports from other people too. I'll definitely look into it. The next update is coming later this January. Hopefully I'll get it fixed by then.

okay I understand! thank you for the respond <3 

(1 edit)

This game is fantastic - you should be very proud! The 50/50 coin flips and rare saves can be frustrating, but that just makes all of the little victories even more rewarding! 

I have noticed what I think happens to be a very minor bug - in my most recent run, I obtained a stick, a pinecone, and the "Pinecone Pig Instructions" but no additional item appeared in my crafting menu and I was unable to make a Pinecone Pig. However, I could very well be missing something - is there a crafting table in game? Or perhaps a third item necessary? I am playing as the Dark Mage, if his restrictions have anything to do with it.

*UPDATE: No bug! It was a silly mistake on my part - I only looked in Craft Items when it was under Craft Armor! Sorry about that!

I have yet to finish the game - I'm keeping away from most walkthroughs and wiki pages to keep things engaging and fresh for me. Which is really both a blessing and a curse because my progress seems to be SO SLOW - but it's worth it,

I would really love to hear more about what inspired this game - I am just fascinated by the lore and monster/creature designs!

Anyway - thanks so much for making this game, you can tell a lot of love and labor went into this project and it's just  absolutely fantastic!

Hey great you figured that out. It's not so obvious. Easy thing to miss for sure. I'm also glad you like the game and playing blind is really the best way to go about it! :-)

There are tons of things that inspired the game so it's really hard to just mention few. For the monster designs, the biggest inspirations have to be Silent Hill, Junji Ito's works, renaissance paintings by various artists, Hellraiser and Berserk.

(1 edit)

I keep getting my rear end packed in but the story and lore of this game is so good, I keep going back in.

(1 edit)

I just bought the full version, its a nice rpgmaker game, something rare enough to say. You got all the right ideas in, however the saving system is really crippling the fun. One bed on level 2 with 50% chance to die that's far too rough. You cant even leave the game and autosave. The books of enlightment are far too rare to save too and worse it sometime crash when using them. I also got crashes when trying to bash a door, or just walking in the dungeon...Its impossible to enjoy the game this way although at its core its really good.

I'm sorry to hear about such broken experience! D: I have not heard before that bashing the doors or using the book of enlightenment would cause crashes. That sounds really alarming actually! Could you specify which doors caused this if it's not too much to ask? The game is buggy, that much is obvious, but I was under the impression that most of the game breaking bugs were starting to get weeded out.

As for the saving system. The first half of the game is really just roguelike survival, which is the reason saving is also very limited. I also kinda wanted to encourage starting the game over and over and trying different things, instead of trying force through the game with a single playthrough. After the first half, the game starts to give you more chances to save in both books and free save beds. Of course I can understand that the game crashing really takes away from the experience and I'm working on fixing things the best I can.

If i remember well  the crash happen when bashing a prison door near the exit leading to the big hall with that brass knight. But it will be extremely hard to replicate this bug, i think it happened when those flying monsters were too close, maybe the game triggered two encounters at same time; one crash also happened when avoiding some guard patrol, saw him turning then crash. As for the book crash it only happened once so far but then again in all my playthroughs i only found three. I never reached the other parts of the game its far too unforgiving . One missed first attack for exemple and you end up hacked and bleeding, with no means to heal yourself .

I see... The save bug and the bug with the door sound very rare, but also very deep rooted bugs. Both calling the save screen and initiating the combat sequence are RPG Maker's own engine commands. I am constantly ironing out the bugs but those sound pretty difficult ones because I haven't messed around with the core engine that much.. 

The difficulty of the game can seem harsh but there are ways around everything that seems unfair at first. Discord channel and the wiki offer good tips on the game.

Oh i did read the wikis, it still over the top...Btw found another bug, you dont trigger trotor anymore if you try to, open the door after doing a "marriage", nor the  scared nobleman anymore. And found another glitch in endless tower , the last house in darkness allow you do go off screen with plenty of glitches. I am afraid i wont be able to see much more party already crippled with infections and lack of food.

Semi related. There is a mod on the Discord server that is a rebalancing mod for the game. The reason I mention it, is it includes a debugging tool, a book of unlimited saving, when you start the game. It's possible to just install the saving book, if you like the game's current balance.
Hope this helps!

Thanks , that's certainly something i will check.

I really suck at games like these *cough*bloodbourne*cough*darksouls*cough*  and i keep dying but oh my god it's so intriguing and beautiful in a dark kinda way. I love it. I hope we'll be seeing more from you and (as soon as i have money to spare) you guys have my full support! 

Hey thanks a lot! Although I recommend checking out bloodborne and dark souls too because they are pretty big influences of the game. And yeah of course I will continue working on more Fear & Hunger!

I love this game so far, but I think until all the bugs can be ironed out there should be a save function. I got very far without saving (way into the later game) but now when I warp back into the real world I'm stuck in the dark. 

there is a save function! Its in a form of a book, the book can be obtainable randomly throughout the game or in set places.

Kill_Switch already explained the save systems, but Misanthropologis you got a fair point. The bugs definitely need ironing out and I'm working every day to get things into better shape. All of a sudden the game got a lot more players and that's why more and more never-before-heard bugs keep appearing too. I don't like the idea of constant save function though, because it would mess up the tension of the game.

Have you considered creating an "easy" or "casual" mode that allows easier saves? I'm super interested in this, but I suck at stuff like this. 

Also, do you have a steam release date, yet? 

To Ironoverload and Misanthropologist. There is a mod that gives you an unlimited save book, on the Discord server. It's also a rebalance patch, but you can install only the save-book part of it.

Hey! I saw this game on YouTube and had to buy it (even created account on just to do it). But I have one question for the author: do you plan linux support?

unfortunately i do not believe the developer is planning linux support but maybe in the future!

(Unrelated to Linux) Do you plan on unbanning me (Gentle Chad) at any point or should I expect otherwise? I don't mind too much but given it was a lighthearted joke... 

hhahahaahha of course

No worries, I managed to run it on linux :)

RPG Maker MV does support Linux actually and I could make a Linux port, but I barely have any knowledge of the operating system and if some bugs were to appear, I would be in trouble trying to make sense of it all. But I'll consider the port for sure.

When using bed to sleep/coin flip is a win I'm unable to save ( like actually select from the slots to save) and then in the menu I will get this error shortly after. :-(
(1 edit)

Looks like game is trying to create a save and it doesn't have a writing permissions ("read-only"). 

Are you playing on mac?
The solution is pretty simple find in google. This thread might help you -

Oh thanks a lot for answering to this question DudeBrawGaming! It's been hectic few days and I didn't get a chance to reply here yet!

Thank you !   0: ~)


Did this fix the problem?

Great game, good fun with interesting possibilities and story. Even if I got banned from the Discord for an innocent joke, I still love this game and it's fine community. :)

Ah that's too bad D: I must have missed that one. No hard feelings! And thanks for the praise. I can ask around how long the ban lasts. I think some community guidelines are good, because the game has attracted all kinds of people in the past, but joke is a joke, so yeah.

I was just teasing Kill Switch for disabling Hurting and said he was cheating ahah, but no hard feelings between anyone! Keep up the great work on the game and I hope to see you success with future content, etc. :D

(3 edits)

Hi orange,

Congrats on the release of Fear and Hunger. Wanted to give a quick bug report forr V1.0.3. After beating a particular enemy in the room (image) shown below, then attempting to enter the escape menu, the following "Failed to load: img/pictures/_1.png" error appears. Clicking retry will show a loading bar, which promptly returns you to this screen, making this a soft-lock. I've been able to replicate it a few times, so am confident in saying it is consistent between play-throughs. EDIT: on further investigation, it only occurs when the blood golem was summoned mid-fight; is it not being removed from the party at the end of the fight?

On a side-note, am loving the game, but found it very frustrating to complete the task needed to fight the particular enemy that appears in this room (being coy to avoid spoilers). As it is based on having certain party members with you, and I had a party of four prior to entering the area, I found myself having to clear out a party member to make room. This took over three hours purely because I had killed all but two very weak enemies (including the hydra), and had no circles for sacrificing another party member at that point. If possible could I suggest adding another way to remove a character from the party for cases where there's literally nothing left to cull them off with? Perhaps an item like a sacrificial knife, or even just something added to the above area/s, maybe pushing them into the center of this room? It would certainly fit with the area's theme after all!

Hoping to see the updates continue to roll out - really enjoying the narratives so far!

Hey yeah, I saw this on the RiskRim's channel. Really big thanks for finding the source of the bug. This crash has been popping up since the game testing, but I could never pinpoint the cause, because I couldn't replicate the bug myself. Also blood golem probably doesn't sound like the logical cause for this, so I understand that the testers didn't realize this connection. But it's painfully obvious now that you mentioned it. It indeed is the cause.

Hello :) Just downloaded the latest update and I wanted to know if there is some way to convert/transfer my gameplay/save file from a previous update to the latest one. btw I love the game so far. (I am CookieChan10 on twitter btw)

Just in case you were still needing an answer - if you had into the game files directory, inside the "www" folder you will see a "saves" folder. Just copy that and paste into the newer version's www folder. Be warned though, depending on what changed in the update you may find bugs occurring (e.g. saves from 1.0.2 played in 1.0.3 will cause the crow mauler to stop spawning outside of trying to save despite the "terrifying presence" messages appearing - although some people may actually prefer that!).

If you're having odd occurrences or crashes, you may want to consider starting a new game and/or deleting those saves. If you decide to report them, please remember to specify that you're using an older save file - this is considered a courtesy to game developers as it saves them from "chasing their own tail" trying to fix the problem ;) .

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