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Noticed a bug. When cooking Salmonsnake meat, nothing is produced but the item is still taken from your inventory. Would also like to say, this is a really great and creative game, home to see more work like this!

Really? I tried checking it out and didn't find a problem? Although the icon of the cooked salmon looked the same as the raw salmon, so there was that 'bug' at least.

Hello Orange

hope u read my comment i realy liked ur game ever since u releaced its full version (The selfish guy on youtube if u remember me)





u can consider them ideas for new content

i am intresred in pocketcat hiden secrets and the fact that we little know about the god he serves as well the moon god which him self too is selfish to share his valueble knowlege , one that can cause problem for the new gods 

how about playing the poketcat maybe and knowing more and more about him cuz (maybe he knows something about the moon god :D

) idk u might be having some future plans ready for him cuz the info about him is mostly nothing tbh

thats all good luck man u have one hell of an imagination.

Oh, hey cool that you found your way here! And thanks for the nice words! I do have plans for the Pocketcat and the Moon.  You will see more of them........


thanks for replying it means alot

may i ask how much u think the game is completed atm u can give me a percentage is it too early to deiced?

and man do some more creepy weird things if u know what i mean

hey xhankx1 the game is consdiered a full release already

yeah i know that but as u can see new content is being add in almost every 3-5 updates i am pretty sure the game has alot more as u can see the dev said he has more plans which means maybe lore or even more new fights etc. this game is limitless its all the dev call {man ur game is so deep}

Deleted 5 years ago

I never heard the tree area causing such problems before. It shouldn't be too heavy on content, but it's good that it got fixed on its own. Sometimes if you play the game for many hours straight, it can get more taxing to the computer and it can cause lag. Maybe this could be the case?

If it happens more often, let me know!

Deleted 5 years ago
(1 edit)

Hey, I noticed in your credits that you got a bunch of sounds and stuff from freesound, so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't know any better, especially since I like this game so much and you don't seem to be scummy at all.

The jingle that plays when you sit on the throne is a straight-up ripoff of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time's chest opening jingle. Nintendo is notoriously strict with their copyright and I'd hate to see you get into legal trouble for selling a game with stolen music.


Deleted 5 years ago

Thanks for the heads up. I don't remember which keywords I used when I found that sound clip, but it did say that the use was alright for commercial projects too. But it does sound VERY close to zelda jingle and I actually ironically enough named the sound clip 'Zelda jingle'

I've previous found some clips from freesound that seem to be ripped from other games or movies too, without the author saying a thing about it, so it's certainly not impossible that's it's from Zelda. I'll switch it into something else just to make sure.

Good to hear, yeah I can totally understand that and the original uploader might not have realized either. It's not that big of a deal but it'd just be really unfortunate if some kind of legal trouble happened because of it, Nintendo's really strict.

(2 edits)

I don't know if this is a bug or some "feature" but I cant select anything from my menu anymore after resting in the bed next to the large broken statue with the crow.

Edit: So after reloading my saves several times and going through different saves, the problem persisted in the other 2 save files, though these saves were relatively close to one another in time and the same save point. Was only able to select my inventory again until about the 4th reload of the save file where this originally happened, and nothing different happen within the file, and the problem is not longer appearing in the other save files where it was also present at the time of checking, this definitely seems like a bug.  

I've noticed that the game can sometimes lock up some items or magic in the menu for some reason. It definitely is a bug. According to my own experience, it doesn't last long though. The items and magic are usually available after few minutes of play. I'll of course try to find what's causing it.

Its good to know this bug doesnt last long. When it happened i was pretty alarmed because I was several hours in, though its extremely strange how this problem was within my other save files at the same.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey the mac version of the game still is unable to save, and also there is glitch where you are forever having the uteus enemies baby knaw at your feet, it a broken loop. feel mac really needs to be able to save, you get the save screen but are unable to pick a file to save to.

Hey Pappi! So I really think the Mac saving problems are because of some permissions and rights you can give to the game and its files. The saving problem has vanished from people who play the game on Steam. Steam naturally has more right and permissions, so that's why I think it boils down to that. If you bought the game here, you can have the Steam version too. Just email me and I'll give you the key so you can try that out. Hopefully it would help in your case too.

Hi, i did buy the game off here, i'm having trouble finding your email sorry.

I can not find the steam version of the game either

I found the steam version but i cannot find your email anywhere :/

Hello sorry for all the replies but i found the steam version and bought it, i do not mind paying again for it as it is a brilliant game. I will always strongly suggest this game to all my friends, thank you for the amazing game.

What kinds of questions can you ask the New Gods? How do you have to parse it so you don't get the "we don't understand" response?

You have to get every character perfect, to ask a question. It's so much hassle, it might be better to watch Neco's video where he asks just about all the questions you can ask.

I see the blackout fix in latest patch notes, but the problem still persists on mac. When I enter the tower the screen goes black and stays that way until restart. Same happens randomly when changing between locations close to the tower. It happened to me few times already and I've wasted a couple of hours without any progress because of it. It's basically a game breaking bug, hope it get's addressed quick. I enjoy this game too much to stop now. Cheers.

Hi! Yeah it turned out that I didn't fix the problem correctly. You can read more about it in the latest 1.1.3 update post, but I finally managed to find its source and this time it really should be gone.

Got me hyped, but unfortunately the problem persists. It's the same scenario, going into the Tower location turns everything black, and when going back to the previous location it stays black. The only thing I see is the area name changing on the top side of the screen and I can enter inventory etc., but the rest is pitch black ;( I use steam and it supposedly updated to the newest version.

Aaahhh right. I might know what's the problem. Did you use the book 'Passages of Ma' habre' during this playthrough? I was pretty sure that it caused the bug. Upon the Ma'habre timer running out, the screen goes black and you return to normal world. The trigger that makes the screen go black is still left there if you load the same save, but starting a new game should fix it. 

If you don't want to go through the entire game again, apparently you can make things visible again by finding the beacon of the depths and using it.

Sorry for the trouble D:

Yes, I'm pretty sure I used 'Passages of Ma'habre'. If finding the beacon of the depths fixes the problem then it's fine, I'll get back to confirm if it worked when I find it. Cheers.

Although, if you never used to ma'habre book, let me know! That would just mean that I was completely wrong with the problem. 

Hi there Orange,

      Huge fan of this game. I think it brings dungeon crawlers and mature content together into something epic. I consider this game a near mixture of Silent Hill + Resident Evil + (insert any dungeon crawler). I just downloaded the newest version and decided I would restart upon watching a Neco video and finding out an alternative method to applying primary and secondary pain to someone in my party. My sentient point however is my one complaint about this game. I would bet that I am not the only one to complain about this...

"The Coin Flip Mechanic" (CFM)

     I think this element makes or breaks it for some players. Multiple times I've had to restart because I will lose a coin flip and feel the element of being a "smart RPG" player is null and void. Players chances of defeating a "New God" are dictated by guessing heads or tails. This essentially takes away from the challenging aspect this game offers by implementing a "luck" based CFM which can, in my opinion, make or break Fear & Hunger for all kinds of players. However, this is my one soul complaint about this game and I will continue to play it either way. However, I would like to make a suggestion because overall I am a fan of this game and would be happy to see it only grow and succeed.

What if enemies dropped scrolls and books? Dare say, add an enemy or even a level boss. Maybe something like "You have defeated The Cannibal" then you search him and find "Scroll of the Wildman". Or by defeating a Yellow Mage, you have a 50/50 chance to receive say "Empty Scroll" or some sort of magic addition. With a probability of receiving more lucrative "drops" from defeated enemies, I think you could even keep the CFM. 

As I said, I am a big fan and only hope to see Fear & Hunger grow, just offering an honest review and suggestion. 

Thank you!

Hey there, I like what your saying regarding chance items for certain mini-bossses. The coin flip mehanic is supposed to be "unforgiving" and is one of the most hated mechanics known.

Kill_Switch-X, I really do appreciate the unforgiving atmosphere this game gives off. I don't mean to say I don't like the game, I love it. In my opinion the coin flip takes away from the atmosphere entirely and leaves the players destiny in the hands of a 50/50 chance as oppose to setting up your game plan for a mini-boss fight. Thanks for the reply!

Hi V.Knott! 

I understand the frustration. The coin flip mechanic can feel unfair and it certainly can give some players an edge, but it shouldn't gimp players to the point of making the game impossible. There should be good items and important resources around enough to get you through. It can just sometimes be more difficult, than on the next run perhaps.

But I do like your idea of making the enemy loot more prominent too. It actually sounds very tempting and I will most likely do something like that in the coming versions.

Hey there orange, I really love this game! Been watching John Wolfe for years and yours was the first game that made me want to buy and play! That said, I'm coming across an issue I see other people are having also, with the save function not working on the mac. Is it possible to get a steam key from you to try and see if that fixes it? New to itchio so not sure what the best way of contacting you is! Thanks so much for all your hard work, I hope I can invest more time in it soon.

In the comments, people said they had to edit their file access on the folders, to allow for saving and loading. If you do a search, through, you should be able to find them and how they got it working.


Hey Mask thanks for your response! I unfortunately do have permissions set to read/write, but am still unable to save!

Hey swallowinfinity! For many people, playing the game on Steam has fixed the saving problem. This leads me to believe it really is some permission issue that doesn't exist when the game originates from Steam.

Since you bought the game already here, I can also give you a Steam key if you are interested. Just email me!

Deleted 5 years ago

Well, if there was, you wouldn't be able to find it....

Best method is to get a good helmet, as those afford eye protection and prevent the blindness. The iron mask, bassinet, and a couple of others.

I can't tell if it's a bug or not but every now and then I can only attack one body part until it disappears and it gets really frustrating during boss fights where I NEED to attack the arms and legs and it targets the main body which has several times as much health.

Like no matter how much I move the selector it always stays on a certain body part

Hey! By any chance do you have your mouse cursor over the screen? The mouse cursor can overlap the keyboard commands.


I remember it being mentioned that we can grow limbs back now. Any hints how to do that and figure that out? Does it also include growing back legs? Cos I jumped into a hole and broke my legs cos my curiosity got the better of me.

I'd like to know this, too

Tomb of the gods got what you want. 

and where is that cause I had NO arms since the beginning of the game.

It's after Level 7.

(1 edit)

I jumped into the toilet hole... Please tell me it's not how it looks like...

Time to start again....

(1 edit)


Sorry for bothering you again but here is this really nasty bug which happens in the ancient city (City after the Catacombs).

When I walk to the big door that is behind the statue and then go all  the way to the right, into that one room and back outside again, I get a black screen. 

I still hear the foot steps, the music is still playing and the letters in the left upper corner even tell you in which area you are but there is a black screen.

No matter in which direction I leave that room I always get a black screen.

That sounds like the bug Neco got in one of his recent videos about the game. He fixed it by, amazingly, walking his way to one of those bells that change between past and present.

Yeah, same

When its the past the bug appears. 

When its the present it doesnt.

You can avoid the bug but a fix would be nice.


Yes I'm trying to get a fix for the next update. You can expect it tomorrow or day after that.


looove this game. Saw it on John Wolfe's first look - announced I'd buy it - I always keep my promises ;> I think it's amazing (absolutely so) that all of this was done on RPGmaker too!! I forgot to mention that in my comment. The art, the randomization, all of it. Awesome job. Can't wait for all the bugs to be smoothed out as well, haha.


John Wolfe is the reason I bought the game too. He's a great YouTuber. 

Hey thanks! :-D I'm glad you like it! I'm working on the smoothing bugs part. John Wolfe really brought a lot of people here. He's one of my favourite youtubers, so I was really excited to see the game covered by him!

(1 edit)

I have completed an update for the Fear & Hunger Rebalance modification. It is now compatible with the latest version.

This mod is a demo focusing on the early areas of the game, rebalancing enemies near the start of the game, as well as the States system, the Defence/Armour system, Hunger, and fixing several bugs. It also has an unlimited save book, for bug-testing and as an easy difficulty option.

Here is the link to the mod:

I also have a bug to report!

It happens every now and then! When I kill an enemy and it kills me in the last move before it disappears, I sometimes don't die.

What I mean by this is that my character is considered dead and his health is zero whenever I bring up the character screen! I cant use any items on him but his hunger and mind still go down. Whenever I enter  battle within this dead state, My character appears dead and they skip his turn. Within a few turns, he's considered  dead and the game ends.

Its minor but it still happens every now and then.

Oh thanks for letting me know! This hasn't happened to me, but seems like an annoyance for sure! I might have an idea what could be causing this... 

When entering new ma'hambre, going right and up a screen darkens the screen to a pitch black with a tower is looming message. Going back does not undim the screen, forcing a reset. Can this be fixed in the next patch?

Yes absolutely! I'll get an update done this week. This is the biggest bug with the latest version. I heard that you get your vision back if you head back to the city center. 


Hi, also, my partner came across this within the dream sequence and it doesn’t seem intentional? the screen ends where the knight is. there was also more glitches surrounding this area.

(1 edit)

What am I supposed to do? I'm in the city of gods and I don't know what to do! I think I'm supposed to fight the Grandma boss but I can't beat it as I have no arms (Really bad RNG) and D'arce only has one and the little girl isn't much help. I'm running out of food and slowly I'm slowly dying from hunger. Is there anyway to get the Outlander as a follower or the Dark Priest? 

Also does the Crow Emblem Key go anywhere? I managed to defeat most of the side bosses (Crow mauler, That weird bird thing, etc , etc ) mostly by having D'arce using Miasma (Got from a glitch that allowed me to attack the door leading to it repeatedly) 

Overall  Great Game and Amazing Atmosphere!

The Crow Key is used near the start of the game, not far from the bed. I think that's close enough without spoilers.

You can go to the Wolf Cult in the mines to refill everyone's hunger, if you're desperate. 50% chance of dying.

You can look for spell books in the libraries, sacrifice people, or use soul stones to learn spells, which tend to be far stronger than melee.

Outlander, you have to talk to him in the rabbit courtyard, then find him in the tree.

Dark priest, you have to talk to him twice and no more, in the library just before the rabbits, then in the library below near Legarde. You have to give him an eclipse talisman, which I think you get from the yellow mages.

Hope this helps!

What bed and in what level? I killed the yellow mages and they only had soul stones.

You have to talk to the yellow mages to get the amulet

The crow bed, in the basement area. From the start of the game, you can get there by going left. It is near Iron Shakespeare.


i asked about getting a steam key for those who have bought the game sometime ago. now i wanted to ask again but other than this comment section i have no idea where to ask. if someone could help me with an adress or an link i would be really happy.

sorry again for the bad english, i am trying my best here.

hey there, join the discord channel qnd we'll get you sorted out!

(1 edit)

Do you have a Link for Discord?

Edit:Ok found it, im pretty new to itchio sorry XD


Hey there! I'm loving the game so far. I just wanted to report on a bug, plus a suggestion.

It happenned to me on a run with dark priest + the girl, after the tree area, once I reached the chained dead man, after interacting and the dialogue telling you there is nothing else to do in the dungeon, I tried interacting with the man again and a dialogue with D'arcy (who was not on my party) played out where she basically gasped and mourned over a complete black screen (I'm guessing this is a bug, I was really puzzled when I saw it happen).

On a another topic, I'd like to suggest perhaps a way to prevent multiple copies of a same book to be obtained during one playthrough. It's really annoying to get two torn pages, or two Anatomia or other types of books that are of no use once you got one of them already. It feels like a wasted opportunity to get something good, and libraries are rather rare in the game. So, ideally they would be non-repeatable. Of course that wouldn't apply to empty scrolls or books of enlightenment.

Keep up the good work!

Or five pipes....

Good points! I'll continue tweaking the loot most likely. And thanks letting me know of the bug! It was a new one for me! 

(1 edit)

Mhhh... the problem with only getting 1 copy of each is that there are only certain books/items in the game and what you suggested would make the game easier. Meaning if you are lucky you could have all important books after lvl 3 or so. Might be worth suggesting when there are more books (like lorebooks or more craftingbooks) in the game.

I mean we can debate if the game isnt already hard enough but still^^

Yeah this is definitely something to think about. I already tried balance this looting issue with the book merchant in the ancient city. So you can still buy some important books if your luck is miserable otherwise. But this doesn't remove the tedious aspects of loot. 

An alternative possibility is to simply reduce the chance of doubling up on books.

But like Schneeli said, it would ruin the balance somewhat if you got all the good books for sure. The reduction of the doubling could be considered once there are more books in general. Some books (like the cook book) could easily be divided into 2 separate books to increase their numbers. 

is there any way I can get the updated version of the game? or do I have to buy a 2nd time?

Itch works a bit funny. You have to go to Library in your user panel in the top right, then click download for F&H.

No, no don't go buying the game for the second time! The option to download the new version is there! 

Oh okay thnx, yeah I am new to Itch

Strangely, I only get the option to buy the game on the main page. I have to go to my library to get down to the download page. Not your fault, just something weird about Itch.

(1 edit) (+1)

I've found quite the bug, much like ChaosAzeroth. I'm unable to save, and all permissions I can give it are on. Now, I'm on a Mac system, and it only has the game and a file titled credits. Is there supposed to be some sort of folder in it as well? Or is it a simple bug? I'd love to continue exploring the game, but I can't really do that without that feature.

Edit: I do think it's the Mac version. Got it on Steam and tested out the bed method of saving with a throw away file, and it saved perfectly well. The Mac version must simply have a missing file or something. Makes me feel a bit better, now that I can enjoy the game more.

Really wish I'd gotten the Steam version now, but there's now way I can buy this game a second time. Ahh well. Guess I'll play it when I just want a quick one shot, unless there ends up being a fix.

It's a fun game, but already got screwed out of two nice builds/set ups now by this so I think I'm done for now.


Not certain the steam version will be any better, but I believe Orange said that anyone with the itch version can request a steam key? I don't remember, so don't take my word for it. 

(1 edit)

I was told to contact them about it, I posted in the Discord troubleshooting but other than that unsure how to contact them honestly.

Thanks for the reply. I'm hoping that I can, since I was told by the other person to request a key. Yet I'm unsure how to do that currently. I know Orange made a reply at one point about e-mailing them to someone, yet I'm unsure how to find that contact information. I had been suggested to contact them on Discord for a speedier response, but also was unsure how to do that so I posted in the troubleshooting hoping to get their notice or maybe a fix of some sort. :3


Orange contacted me on the Discord, and is talking about helping me out. Really appreciate both the work they put into the game and the work they put into making things right. (Fixing issues, offering refunds and discussing things with the players.) Definitely has me smiling, which some might consider odd considering the subject matter of the game but... I mean the game is interesting and the dev is above and beyond, so...


Hey ChaosAzeroth! I believe you got my email upon buying the game? If you have trouble finding me on discord (I'm called 'orange~' there) you can always send me email too. 

I, for some reason, thought that was an email. This is the first game I've gotten here, and the reason I made an account tbh. I did see your message on Discord, and hope life finds you well and appreciate the help. I'm rather an old fool when it comes to this I'm afraid.

If you'd like me to reply to the e-mail I received to square away where things go, I'll gladly do so. Thanks again!

(1 edit)

I am currently unable to save, both the book and the bed will not actually allow me to save. I get the save screen. but cannot get a save file to actually produce. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Just downloaded the full Mac version.

Any help would be appreciated, as I do not wish to continue without being allowed to save since I did what I needed to do as far as I know/have seen with others to be able to. NGL, a bit salty I wasted such a rare and valuable item due to this happening, but at the time I thought that maybe I was missing something. But as far as I know the bed requires nothing extra so starting to think the book was wasted due to some sort of bug.

Otherwise, great game.


My permissions say that I have permission to read and write, yet cannot save.


You are not missing anything. For some reason the game prevents you from saving.

I've heard that Steam version removes this problem for some. But the thing is that Steam version is the exact same game. This leads me to believe that it's still a matter of permissions, because Steam game originates from Steam so permissions don't become an issue there when you've once given Steam all the rights. 

If you bought the game already, you are also entitled to Steam version. You can email me and I can give it to you. I believe you got my email while purchasing it from here? 

Otherwise, I'll try to investigate what could cause the problem. 


I discovered some bugs.

*) When I was in the “tree”: After I fell into a hole, my character got locked in a position again, only facing the front.

*) I asked the enemy for mercy and she said she would have mercy on me but the character event scene replayed again and we fought again. I don’t know, if that is normal or a bug but I thought I’d mention it.

I was recording a letsplay when the bugs happened so I have it in this video:

(For people who don’t wanna be possibly spoilered: don’t watch the video)

Exact times: 1:52 first bug, 34:51 second bug

I was using the windows version 1.1.1.

Thanks for letting know! So the character facing bug remains in 1.1.1? That's troublesome... :/

(1 edit) (+1)

A beautifully dark game. It took some time for it to grow on me at first, thanks to being annoyed by things such as the Coin Toss/Insta-deaths in the older version, but once I learned to stop treating it as a traditional rpg and discovered the finer intricacies, I came to appreciate this little title for the gem it is. 

That said though, I must still thank both the old gods and the new that you've toned down some of the more BS harsher coin toss/insta deaths and various other balance idiosyncrasies in this latest version, as hopefully it will make trying to start a run much more enjoyable (since even for those who have practice, sometimes there is no luck in this world) and make the game more accessible to people who were interested but put off after they saw how certain fights would come down to a 50/50 life or death choice regardless of skill or preparation. Truly, this is a magnificent update, can't wait to get to it :)

Also, question: are you a Berserk fan by any chance? I just happen to notice quite a few similarities in traits and backstory beats between Le'garde and Griffith, as well as several other characters

Berserk most definitely has had a big impact in making this game. Le'garde is kinda like a poor man's Griffith. He ended up being closer to Griffith than what I originally planned. 

HA! I thought so, that's awesome man XD Cool beans.

Hey I'm glad you like the game! The first impressions can be a bit harsh, but it seems like when people force through the opening areas the game starts to click more. It's great people are willing to give the game a chance regradless :-) 

(2 edits)


I played the newer version (1.1.1 steam release) and got a ?bug?. The Uterus enemy seemed unkillable. Did 2000+ dmg on the embryo and the body main part (all limbs and head gone).
The embryo just reduced all sanity of my party members to 0(=dead but not dead... members just dont take a turn anymore).
Then it was just an endlessloop of the embryo doing this over and over (meaning I had to exit game to load).
Dont know if that is just a single occurence or if it is always like this now because i didnt save for while and i just had to stop the game because i was so frustrated(sorry).

And another one (maybe not really a bug): When you kill someone in front of a door or a book I cant access it anymore(only the loottext for the corpse shows up). Which is pretty frustrating because I killed a guard right infront of legards prisoncell.

Btw thanks for the game. It is a blast. And i love that you are adding even more content to it. I cant get enough <3.

No need to be sorry, Schneeli. I hope that the next patch removes this bug, so that you can go back to enjoying the game.

The endless loop with the Uterus definitely is a bug. I did make Uterus a lot more difficult though, because people seemed to just rush through them with no danger or worrt whataoever. Headshots don't kill it anymore as it isn't a living thing per se anyways. 

The second 'bug' is a known problem, but it might need some big game engine changes to fix. 

Hey sorry to bug again, just a few more things to report xD The backstab doesn't seem to work all the time, even if i'm behind the enemy. Also I tried learning "loving whispers" from the hexen table but I think I exited the window too fast and I didn't get the skill, but lost a lesser soul.. haha.

No need to apologize! :-D it's just good that you help me with reporting all this stuff. Interesting bug with the hexen! :D you were in serious hurry. 


Its cool that you fixed the problem!

But is there a way that I can put my save files into the updated version? So I dont have to start all over again. 

I read one comment that said it was possible but could you or anyone tell me the specific steps so I dont mess anything up?


The save file is named 'savexx.rvdata2' (or file save01.rvdate2) It's in the common folder where all the files are.


My girlfriend and I ran into a bug in the ancient city where the screen just went completely black after entering the area where the tower of the endless is. She had made a bunch of progress and found a lot of good items at this point and it totally screwed everything. Not to mention a lot of times we will cut an enemy's head off and get attacked before combat ends, and that's by enemies that aren't supposed to be alive after getting their heads hacked off. We really like the game but the bugs have ruined multiple runs for us by now. 

Some enemies have the headless chicken effect. It's actually a feature lol. One version had them die instantly but it made the game really a lot easier actually. 

I feel bad for ruining your good run! D: the bug near the tower of endless is a new bug that came with the latest version apparently. It's a bit mysterious to me to be honest. Have you tried it again on a seperate run? I'm just curious if it happen every time you go there.


Hey wassup,

I jus run into this bug that makes the main character walk but facing front.

In other words he can walk forward, backward and side ways but he is always facing front which gets very annoying when you try to loot something or talk to someone.

I already tried to fix it by restarting the game but its still there... 

Any help or ideas??

(1 edit)

Hey !

This one sounds weird! So this happens when you start the game, or does something trigger it? If you try doing something that makes the character animate somehow (like backstab or bow n arrow) it might remove the lock that keeps the  character facing.


I am not really sure,

I was with outlander and the little girl walking around the area where the dark priest is (library) and then suddenly it was there.

I already tried with bow and arrow but he keeps facing and shoot into the other direction, even if an enemy is standing right in front him 

Ah! Actually I think I know what could have caused it! Did you by any chance step on a cracking floor tile?

(2 edits)

Yes, but I evated it.

Coin toss saved me.

(1 edit)

Happened to me - in 1.1.1 - when I brilliantly stuck my hand into an arrow slit in one of the entrance levels.

What, gimme a break! I just had to be sure! :P

Anyway, as soon as I pulled back my bloody stump, my whole party had turned their backs on me. Can't say I blame them, but there you have it.

Really no big deal imo, but thought you might like to know.

This happened to me too.

How the bug happened for me (as far as I remember): I entered the "tree" area and tried to avoid the Mumbler enemy. She managed to get me and attacked me. As I was attacked, I was facing the left side. After beating the enemy, my character was still facing the left side and I couldn't turn or face the other side, I also couldn't click or interact with the objects in my north since I was facing the left side.

I am using: WINDOWS Version 1.1.0

I made a video to show you how it looks like (btw no sound, I removed it): 

I tried sawing off my leg and also attack more enemies but I remained in this position.

Hmm. This seems like a completely new version 1.1.0 bug... Several people have told me about this already. I'll try to get a quick fix version out soon!

Mirohaver, this is just a suggestion, but it would be very cool if you could put this in Steam. I don't have a credit card and I can't pay for this game.

You're in luck, it just launched on Steam :)

Now that the new version is finally out, I'm considering expanding the mod to work with it, and maybe add a few enemies, or the fear system back in.

Is there anyway of re-attaching limbs (disregarding the marriage of flesh method)? Also, there is a pile of rubble at the start of the dungeon that gives infinite cursed short swords.

(1 edit) (+1)

There actually is a way to get limbs back now with the latest version (1.1.0) But like always, there is price to pay.... (hint: check out the new tomb of the gods area) You found a nice stash of short swords in that case. Thanks for letting me know! Must be some old debug leftover.

I found one of those glimmers on the ground in the vine area that gave me infinite shiny coins cant remember where exactly

(3 edits)

"TypeError Cannot read property 'bitmap' of undefined"

I got this error when I got attacked by the eastern sword ghost when I was in a text dialogue.

Also game bugs when I try to make marriage show love, all the sprites dissapear. The sprites reappear when I use the elevator.

Hmm. The eastern sword ghost needs a revamp anyway, so I gotta tackle this bug soon!

Do you remember which circle you used for showing love and which characters?

(1 edit)

Yes, I used two different circles, the one in the mine and the one next to the dark priest. They both produced the bug. It was marriage and ragnvaldr. Yeah the eastern ghost attacked me another time when I was reading a book and the image of the book was in the background when I was fighting him lol.

Would I be able to get this on steam? If so how? I wanted to know so I could leave a review.

Yeah if you bought the game from itchio or gamejolt I can give out Steam keys. I don't have any efficient way to hand out keys to everyone who bought the game, so I have to do it manually. I believe you got my email when you bought the game, so just mail me and I'll give out the key!

Ran into a bug where I lost my pyromancy trick spell after a save. Can't exactly remember all the steps between the two points. I know I learned the spell from the hexen, freed the girl, a few other things and then saved. The spell was missing after reload, even though the hexen still shows it as learned, and I've continued to play that run with no other problems learning and using other spells. Wish I could remember more details about my steps along the way. Hope it helps.

That sucks... I actually haven't heard similar things happen to others yet. I can't really think up anything that would remove the magic, unless you did the marriage of flesh?

No marriage.  Nothing that changed my character or situation drastically. Its why I wish I could remember more of what I actually did between learning and saving,  or noticed exactly when it happened.  Still enjoying the game, though. One of the best Ive played in a long time.  Feel like that needed to be said. Thanks for that and keep it up. 

Hey thanks for the nice words! It's a mysterious bug because I can't think any situation in the game besides marriage of flesh where skills would be erased.


If u update the game do u still have the save files??


I don't believe it is save compatible. To test it, you could try copying your F&H folder, then overwriting the copy/original with the new install.


It's okay to use old save files for the most parts. There are few very specific spots that aren't available in the update anymore, but it's pretty bad luck if you had saved your game exactly there.

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