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"typeerror cannot read property 'scope' of null"

happened somewhere there are flower on monster's head

oh wait i fixed it by copying "marrig_of_flesh1_4.rpgmvp", pasting it and naming it the very thing it needed ^^ 

i found another bug :( when you are married as dark priest with a ghoul and your left leg gets cut off by the cave mother it is giving me the good ol' "Loading Error Failed to load img/characters/marriage_of_flesh4.png" and yes it cant find it bcs it doesnt exist :/

Thanks for letting me know! I'm actually working on the next update that'll try to fix certain issues.


hello, orange! i wanted to thank you for making fear & hunger, and i have two things to say--one, the discord link is now expired, and i was wondering if you could post a new one. two, i've noticed a few grammatical errors while playing the game. this is completely optional, but i would be happy to help out on the writing aspect of the game! i'd like to believe i'm good at english, and i'd be happy to do it for free--i think f&h has a lot of raw potential, and if you would like, i can discuss it on the discord, or i can give you my email or social media accounts. i am by no means a professional (just to make this clear), but like i said, i would love to help better the game. again, thank you, and have a good day, afternoon, or night!


Hi! Sorry for late response! I updated the discord link! You're welcome to join the channel! I know there's plenty of text that could use fixing and I've had plenty of people offering help too. I haven't been able to commit the time properly to fixing the text so far. I've only done it in short bursts every now and then. The problem is that I don't have an easily found script of the game anywhere. I never thought ahead to make one, so it's a really big hurdle to edit the in-game text and since I haven't exactly been struggling with what to do with my free time (in short I got no spare time lol) ,  I've been pushing it back constantly...

Hi, first of all thank you for that game. I try to finish it without any walkthrough and it's difficult ^^

Also I think I found a bug; there is a lucky coin in the "level 3 of Thicket" and when I tried to pick it, the lucky coin didn't want to despawn, so now I have a little more than 20 lucky coins (23) so I don't think it was put there on purpose. I am actually playing with Enki and I transformed into a "the Marriage" with a Ghoul  in case you want to test the bug...

what happened to the steam version?


What do you mean?

I'm stuck in the Thicket - the level with Eastern Sword. Pest Mastery learned.

I saw on Youtube there is a pit leading to Gauntlet, but in v1.3.0 there is no pit there (or script is broken).
How can I get out?

(1 edit) (+1)

Random comment: Miro, if you don't plan on making a Fear and Hunger game set on the continent of Vinland sometime after you finish Termina, please do. I will give you my entire social security number for that game. Hell, I would even do the writing for it if your heart wasn't in it, and still pay for it, haha


haha yeah Vinland game would be an interesting one for sure. Funny enough I was just writing an in-game book about Vinland for Termina with a couple of pictures of the place too. That made me really want to make a game set there. I got multiple ideas on what to tackle next and Vinland game is up there in top 3 I'd say. I'm still mindstorming on the next move so I can't guarantee anything yet, but let's see what happens.

(2 edits)

Ran into a bug. When you open the screen where you are given the option to curse a weapon you cannot exit (ESC key doesnt work) until you do and if you dont have any souls for it you're stuck there, you can only close the game and re-start from the last save.

Lost a bit of progress from this, hope to see this fixed.

Edit: Nvrmd I'm an idiot, you just gotta scroll really far and you see the option "Nevermind", sorry

Ran into a bug. I went into the mines, level one, and I selected to reveal myself to the guy in the shadows. The crowmauler instantly appeared and then the game froze. It's happened twice now, I'm not sure if it's where I am standing or what's up. Awesome game though! I've already played 70 hours worth!

Can you tell me the controls and how to open item menu


use your arrows to navagate, z and x are the controls for menu

(1 edit)

Hello orange! Not to keep beating a dead horse here but even with this recent update, Mac users cannot save their game. I've researched this a lot and have yet to come up with an answer.

Edit: I found this thread on the RPGMaker Forums: 

Unable to save in deployed Mac version, and Mac only error after accessing options

The advice offered in the very last post I've tried with this update of your game and the previous one I purchased. Unfortunately it does not work.

If there is anyway you can compile your game on a modern MacOS machine to offer as a Mac version, I'd be grateful as would any other Mac purchaser. 

Hi! Sorry if I've missed any previous comments about this issue! I made the game on Mac and tested it throughout its development on the same laptop, so it's not an universal Mac problem. Also a couple of the game testers since early days have been Mac users too so it definitely is possible to save the game on Mac too.

Mac is very strict on what it allows games and apps to do. In this case the game has to have permission to create the save files. In some cases you have to manually give the game folder and the app these permissions. This has been the solution for most of the people who have had the same problem as you do. Did you try this already? Let me know if the issue still remains!

Ah, ok. Well I've tried setting the game folder and all its contents to read/write permissions for all available users with the last version I purchased and this new version. However, I cannot save the game. It's rare that I run into a digital problem I just cannot solve but in this case, I just can't figure it out. 

I just played the game and in the level area where the katana sword is, there's an area where I couldn't find any of the holes to get out and so I died starving.

Hey orange, I'm having the same issue. I went through and updated permissions for all of the files and I still can't save which is really hindering game progress...

Something else to bring to your attention: I tried using a Lucky Coin on an Ancient Book, and it didn't even seem to have an option for it. So, if this isn't intentional, that's something else for you.

This has been around for a while, so I'm not sure if it's intentional or not, but some enemies, like guards for example, will Tackle or do an attack after their head has been cut off. So, is this intentional?

You probably already know about this, but when I use the Lucky Coin with a bow equipped, it shoots an arrow instead of using the coin, same problem with Termina but with a gun. 

(1 edit)

Oh yeah I completely neglected that bug! I already fixed it for Termina, but it didn't occur to me that F&H also got bow and arrows D: Thanks for the reminder!

No problem! I really love Fear and Hunger and I want to see it run as smooth as possible before Termina releases, so people can see how good the original is.

Found something else, when you choose to ambush Trortur (this is after I used the basement route) and succeed in killing him, his body disappeared for me. And there was some issue with Buckman (earlier playthrough, not after this) where I saw him in a cell and ignored him, but when I came back he was gone, but his dialogue went on like he was still there.

Hey- so I bought this game on Steam and I ran into a bug. So if I combined two characters together to get marriage flesh and I move around or go to a different area, an error would pop up saying something like:

What happened to the discord server? I am not able to join.

he has not been online for 3 months on steam for me i hope they are not overworking themselves on termina

(1 edit)

I've had a problem with outlander. After i changed weapon from bow to something else, and then back to bow i wasn't able to shoot arrows outside of battle anymore.

Is this a known bug?

Hey Orange, just wondering when I could get my hands on fear And Hunger Termina, I hav a bunch of subscribers wanting more lol.

Hey! The demo should be dropping mid-november. Things are looking to stay in schedule. I still got tons of work to get there, but I'm pretty positive about it. I already got all the demo areas and most of the enemies completely functional, but I still need to add bunch of little stuff, like ghouls, animal companion, etc.

ok good to know, thank you.

Hello! I bought Fear & Hunger game on Steam after seeing a few Let's Play of it; even though I'd already watched every ending before I started playing it, I ended up being so fascinated by the game that I've been playing through it for awhile now!

1. I wanted to join the Discord server, but it looks like the links I've found are expired, and the main link above doesn't seem to actually let me join it. Could you post a new link, or a new invite?

2. I've been very impressed by your ability to create a game that prominently features taboo, shocking and extreme subject matter, but never comes off as exploitative, "edgy", or fetishistic. This may sound like a bizarre compliment, but I just wanted to let you know that I think you've managed to handle very sensitive subject-matter with remarkable maturity; your game never feels voyeuristic, and the shocking material never comes off as senseless snuff. I think a big part of that is the fact that you've clearly spent a lot of time detailing the lore of a place where depravity and horror feel like natural extensions of the atmosphere.

3. Fear & Hunger's world seems vivid and fleshed-out with lore; I've noticed some vague similarities between your game and the work of R. Scott Bakker, specifically his "Prince of Nothing" series, and I was curious about what works/games inspired you while you were conceiving and creating Fear & Hunger? (If you haven't read the "Prince of Nothing" series and you enjoy ultra-dark low-fantasy, I'd strongly recommend checking in out.)

Based on how much I'm enjoying Fear & Hunger, you're one of the game creators I'm most excited about in 2019; I'm really excited for Fear & Hunger: Termina, but make sure to take care of yourself so that you don't burn out!

Thanks for your time!

hey orange, was hoping to see if there's any possibility of getting a steam key? Would make things much easier keeping my programs nice and tidy + i won't keep forgetting to update my version. If no can do then that's okay, but if possible it would be greatly appreciated!

Hey there! I'm running the game on macOS 10.14.16 and I'm unable to save the game via the Book of Enlightenment or the "crow" bed.  When I'm given the option, I press space or enter and get a thud sound with no result. Is there some folder or folder path I need to create to make that feature work?

Hey! Thanks for trying the game out! On mac there has been an issue with rights and permissions. Usually it's fixed when you allow the game and its folders to create save files. Let me know if the problem remains! 

Hello orange~ I'm still struggling with this issue. I've attached an image. I'm thinking it's the .plist file that's the problem? The weird thing is even with hidden files disabled I don't see this folder or its contents in ~/Library/Caches. I'm hoping you or another F&H Mac player might have some thoughts. Thanks!

Hey friend can you send me a steam key?  I don't use much so I don't know how to contact you. 

Yeah of course! I'll get back to you tomorrow, i'm not on my laptop atm. 

Hey I tried to look up your email from the sales, but it seems like a pretty daunting task. Would you like to send me email perhaps so I can give you the key? My email should be available on the itchio page upon when you've bought the game already.

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

I need to thank you orange, this game gave me a bunch of subscribers,so im looking forward to future games from you.

Hey thank you for making the let's plays. I've been checking few of your videos, but I really gotta catch up. I just noticed new F&H videos from you today. There's gonna be a minor update to the game very soon with few new enemies and small things. The next game will hopefully have a demo out in early autumn. 

Amzing cant wait, im sure my subs will like it lol

Can i know how long it took you to made this game? You'd done pretty everything in this game and it seems to be a huge amount of contents, so i really curious =)

The base game was done roughly in 2 years, but with the small tweaks and additions that have been rolling, it's been 2 and a half years now since I started the project.

I wouldn't suggest similar schedules to everyone though. I've literally lived and breathed only Fear & Hunger for those 2 years and neglected pretty much everything else in my life. I think I need to learn to balance things better with future projects.

Now i totally agree with you that we need to balance between  real life & game dev. But i really admire how you could  totally live with Fear&Hunger and ignored other things. Even i know it is killing yourself (lol) but if i  can do that i wil do the same anyhow.
Recently i totally stuck with ideas for my games, so i  search letplay videos on youtube  for inspiration. By coincidence i found Fear&hunger let's play videos by Nico the Sergal; Man, i can't believe you could have such brilliant ideas for you game (such as Beheaded Wizard  and  the way Darkness slowly move into Scene - such brilliant). 

Hey, me again! My partner gifted me this game a while ago, and even says I own it when I ask for my download links to email. But when I click the link, it says my account doesn't have permission to view this page. customer support was super unhelpful, they told me to try something I told them that I already did and then stopped replying outright.

Long story short, could I get the Steam key email thing you mentioned below? I'd love to play the update, but... Well,

Oh yeah sure! If you got the game, you're entitled to the Steam version as well. Ummm... Where could I get your email? It's somewhere in the sales, I'm sure, but there are quite a few sales already so it's a bit difficult to browse through all of them. 

(4 edits)

Hey, really appreciate the quick response! Sure thing, I don't have any real concerns about the privacy of this email so I'll just post it here and edit it out once we have this all sorted. If anything I'm actually really glad to hear there's a lot of sales, you deserve 'em. Cheers.

(email removed as said)

Okay I sent a key forward!

All good, worked perfectly! Thank you so much, you rock!

Hey, big fan here - had to put the game down for a few months because life got busy but picked it up recently and am loving it even more than before!

I am unsure if this has been addressed before - so forgive me if it has, but I noticed a game-crashing bug in a recent playthrough. After forming a marriage of flesh, navigating the game would occasionally freeze with an error message regarding failure loading images pertaining to the marriage? It happened a few times throughout the dungeon before my character model vanished and became invisible. Finally, at a first attempt in the mines to join the cannibals, this appeared, causing me to restart the game.

Let me know if you need any more information - otherwise, thanks so much for such an awesome, affordable game. This is really something you should be quite proud of - you've done such an excellent job!

(1 edit)

Hey! Does anyone here know how to recruit the Outlander? 

I know that he is supposed to be at level 5 in the thicket (tree lady), after you meet him in the courtyard with the statue of All-mer. But I already where there (the thicket/tree lady) many times and didn't find him! 

I already watched videos in order to find the exact spot, but he isnt there! 

I don't know if its a bug or if I messed up the timeline/chain of events but any sort of help would be very nice!

Note: I am playing the newest version, version 1.2.0.

This is game is....amazing the amount of work you put into this is surprising, the game itself I never played but just from seeing a few videos I think its better then some triple A titles. The endings need an epilogue where we know what happened to the characters and the dungeon. The game itself is a great rpg and horror, the black witch zone gave me shivers on my back, I really wish there could be more randomization but if there was every turn there would be a guard right around the corner. If I were to give it a rating it would be 9/10 keep on going with the updates man.  

Man... This game is definitely a diamond in the ruff. Great work on details of the same I love the art and a overall unique experience. Now I would like to know if there would be future updates adding more stuf.. hell if it were dlc and released separate I'd still pay for it xD that's how good this game is. And also would there be a possible Android release not now obviously but in the future? I would definitely buy again for the mobile experience instead of taking my laptop everywhere. Awesome game keep up the work I look forward to the next update👍



It would be very nice if instead of having 30 min to find Leguard alive, the player would have 1-2 hours so he can explore the game and get used to it. 

I know I may sound  nooby but the thing is that I dont like to rush or speedrun games. Especially if they have a fitting atmosphere and a captivating story. 

Dont get my wrong, I already finished ending A and I found out that you must recrut Leguard in order to get the other ending. And I kinda flinched when I found out that you have exactly 30 min to save him from his cell. Because this game was a experience (I dont when was the last time that a game was a experience for me) and I would like to live that experience again but the forced speedrun ruins it.

I know that there are faster ways to get to Leguards cell but even then it doesnt feel the same.

Dont take this as the whining of some lacy ass who cant put effort even into playing a videogame. 

Just take it a constructive criticism.

And if you dont want to change it than its ok. 

Just dont forget that there are a few things that might have to change.

Because I, like everyone else in this chat, love this game  :D 

Deleted 2 years ago

Hey sorry for the late response! Can you contact me via email so I can give you the Steam key? It's a little incovenient, but so far it's the best way I've come up with handing out the steam keys.

Deleted 2 years ago

I would like to get the steam key as well, but cannot find where your email address is posted.  Enjoying the game so far!   thx

Disregard previous request for Steam key -- I've been enjoying the game enough that I went ahead and purchased it on Steam as well.  Mainly because I wanted to keep it updated easier and not run into the OS X permissions issue with saves. You should know that developer's email is not being passed along on purchase from (at least it did not for me) so I'm not sure how anyone can request the key from you.  Nonetheless, I have no problem with having made the additional purchase.  I'm happy to support the development efforts on this game!

(1 edit)

I'd like to know if steam version has any kind of censorship before buying, please

Nope, it's the same game 😀

(4 edits) (+3)

So, I haven't gotten very far into this game yet, only played for a few hours or so, so this are mostly my first impressions of the game. Though, first impressions are really important, because thats where you either get me hooked, or make me uninstall. That's where you have the chance to make me interested in the story, or completely bored, or incredibly frustrated. And I'm not going to continue playing a game that's made me frustrated, when I have other games that don't and are much more fun.

The art is amazing, the story and the world is really intruiging, and it's fun to return to a game so ruthless. I love the management of health, food and stress, though the later two might drain a bit too fast. I also love how extremely fucked up the game is, with the fact that your character can literally be raped if one of the guards kill you, leaving you to crawl around bleeding out of your anus till you die. That's disgustingly awesome, in a really fucked up way. I like the fact that the different characters feel relatively balanced. Magic is not too op since a lot of magic costs your mental strenght, which really punishes you for spamming it, and the non-magic people have talents that do genuinly feel useful in one way or another.

I really like the fact that a lot of basic supplies are so rare. From medicine, to healing items and so forth, it all being rare makes it really rewarding when you stumble upon some in some random box. And you play really carefully to avoid being infected, starting to bleed or whatever else, as you don't want to lose those precious resources.

The feel of the game is amazing. The moment you first step into the dungeon, fleeing from the barking dogs filled me with so many emotions. Fear, intruige, desperation and such. I loved exploring that first area, reading a few books on the backstory, finding the sobbing girl and growing in anticipation of how I would be able to release her, and, of course, being in pure god damn horror at the guards you first meet. Their design, while simple, is just to god damn disturbing, and it immediately tells you what kind of feel this game will have. The fact that the game is also seemingly randomly generated, at least to an extent, is also really nice. It keeps you from feeling safe, and like you can never know exactly everything this game has in store for you.

However, one thing that I do think is bullshit is that you can't see what a spell does before you buy it. The souls you use to buy spells are rare and not even guarenteed to drop every run. So the fact that you don't even know what they do until you pick them can make you feel really cheated, because if you pick something that really doens't help you, there was nothing you could've done to know that that was the wrong choice.

Another thing, I really do dislike that so much information about basic game mechanics are hidden. For example, there are some alchemy books you can find that teach you what the different colours of potions do, which is cool. The problem is that they're random drops, which can really fuck you over in some cases. And I haven't yet found a single thing telling me properly how combat works. I get it that it's kinda the point to not be hand-held, but you can go too far.

For example, your chance to miss. I have no idea what influences your chance to miss or hit. Your class doesn't seem to influence it much by what I've noticed, nor do the weapons have any 'hit' or 'accuracy' stat. It's possible that your phobias can potentially influence it, which in that case is actuall bullshit. Since you have no way to influence your phobia, as far as I know, if you start the game with a phobia for deformations or monstroseties, you might as well start over, because half the enemies in the game seem to fall under this category. If not, well that's still shitty. Not being able to influence your chararacters capability in combat to hit at all feels really weird in an rpg, and all around shitty, as when I miss, I don't feel like it's my fault for using the wrong weapon or something, just random luck.

Also, the system with how you can target different body parts seems like it's deeper than it really is. From what I've noticed from testing out a bunch of stuff, the best method really is to just cut off the hand that holds the weapon, then their head. Doing anything else doesn't seem to be as useful in any major way.

To be fair, a lot of this stuff is intuitive and you can figure a lot of it out, but still, it would be nice to have confirmation.

The only thing I've found to tell me about a combat mechanic is a wounded soldier down n a cellar, or whatever it is, who tells you that you should guard when you see an attack incomming. This is kind of dumb though, because he's hidden really deep into an area filled with tentacle fuckers that will mess you up on a low-level character. As far as I can tell, this kinda works. It reduces the dmg the guarding character takes from all attacks, which is neat, but also kind of useless, to be honest, in a game where you have to attack to actually finish the fight. As far as I can tell, there are no enemies who have 'prepare yourself' type of attacks, where they give a warning the first turn, then unleash a devestating attack the next turn. 

It's also seemingly useless against my absolute fucking *BIGGEST* problem with this game, and why I just can not recomend it, and why I regret buying this game

The fucking instant death mechanics, jesus god damn christ.

The fact that the very first enemy of the game has an instant death mechanic on a coin-flip is just pure cancer, I'm sorry to say. It's not *Fun* to have your max hp character just instantly died just because he missed his attack, and then a coin-flip, nor does it feel fair. I don't feel like there was anything I did wrong, and if there was, then I don't know what I did do wrong. If you can influence how much your character misses or hits his attacks, I have no clue. I've played this game for hours and I haven't found a single note, book or anything really detailing how combat works. I did talk to that one injured guy in the dungeon who told be to guard. So I did try that against one of the guard enemies. And, I still died. I tried it one more, and I still died, through my guard, so I'll assume that doesn't help.

And the fact that so much of the game is just decided by coin-flips makes a game otherwise based on intelligence and rational thinking feel like gambling. Comparing it to dungeons and dragons, there are a lot of similiar luck based mechanics. The difference is that 1, you can influence these luck based mechanics by adding modifiers and such and, 2, almost none of them result in an instant game over. The people who designed Dungeons and Dragons realized that putting an instant death mechanic on something based on luck is not good game design.

*AND*, and this is important, if there was something I could've done to avoid those instant death mechanics, then you did not communicate it properly. Remember, games are a two-way street. I will try to understand your games and all it's mechanics and such, but you also have to actually give me ways to understand your game.

Another example of this problem is the god damn tentacle things, that somehow just teleports you to a dungeon where a witch then one-shots you with a fireball, as far as I can tell. The first time this happend, I didn't even realize the tentacle thing did it, I thought it happened because I walked across the pentagram on the ground, because why would a tentacle thingy be able to do that and, more importantly, why would this game, based upon being smart, punish you for trying to avoid a fight?

Like, those tentacle fuckers are though, they deal a lot of damage, but they're slow. So my gamer insinct is to run past them, as I'm pretty sure most people's instinct is. But no,  that's wrong. Not because anything in their design says it is, not because anything hinted that that would happen, but beacuse the game designer randomly decided that to be the case.

Now the thing is, all this *COULD* be fine if one single thing was true: 

If saves were plentiful. They're not. The only ways I've found so far is either by those books that allow you 1 free save, then turn to dust, which are random drops as far as I can tell, and can not be relied upon. The other one is the bed by the crow statue that's, guess what, behind a instant death mechanic on a fucking coin-flip. This one especially gets me because the game implies that the room is at least somewhat safe. There was nothing about the statue that implied danger of any sort. Hell, I thougt the implication was that the crow statue was watching over to make sure I WASN'T harmed. Then, I see that fucking screen that says 'heads or tails' and I just wanted to rage-quit right then and there because why dude, just fucking why. I failed, got jumped by the crow monster and one-shot. There was 1 full hour of my life on that character, just wasted because of a coin-flip.

If you're going to put a game based so much on trial and error also on luck that the player can't really influence, then you can't make saves so fucking hard to get. I'm not going to waste 1 hour of my time carefully navigating the levels just to get oneshot in the prison-dungeon because I missed 1 attack on the half a dozen god damn guards, if I also have to start over again, from the very fucking beginning of the character creation meny, having to watch your unskipable game intros and the music during your log that becomes ear-screeching after you hear it half a dozen times.

Now, there's an example of all of this done right in your game. The guy who sells the potions outside the prison. The potions he sells you are all harmful, but it's fine, because 1, the whole situation is really shady, the item description says that it's suspicious, it's not based on luck, and 2, if you do fuck up and drink it, you're not immediately dead, you have a chance to remedy your situation. And, more importantly...

YOU CAN IMPROVE FOR NEXT TIME. Now you know not to drink that potion, your next playthrough will go better because of this knowledge. I died becaue I drank the potion of full-healing at low health once, because I was that desperate. But that was fine, because I had learned something. I wasn't angry.

But what do I learn from dying to the first enemies instant death mechanic for the 20'th time just because I missed my one attack? Nothing. All I learned from that death is that I don't like this game very much, and that I regret buying it. I didn't feel punished for making a mistake, I felt cheated by a god damn coin-flip.

right now, this game is a 3/10 for me. There is genuine potential with the story, the art and the hunger and stress management. However, the game is just too full of these instant death mechanics, if you couldn't tell, that just ruins it for me. I want a game where my own skill rewards and punishes me. If you are able to push through dozens upon dozens of dumb deaths for a decently interesting story, then go ahead. But honestly, I'd recomend just watching a let's play instead.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey thanks for the honest feedback! Really appreciate it! Sorry for the late response too, I thought I already answered this post.

You are right in that the game really doesn't explain the combat. I think this is something I should really change, but so far I wanted to avoid blatant immersion breaking tutorials, that's why there are only vague explanations like the wounded guy you mentioned.

The tip to 'guard whenever you suspect danger' is actually pretty big tip. Because that is the way to avoid most of the coin toss moves. You said you tried to guard against them and nothing happened? This might be a bug, but you have to guard on the exact turn the coin toss move occurs, otherwise it doesn't work. Also the game is really at its most unfairest in the beginning sections. As you get further you actually get more and more chances to save and the one-hit kills become more rare too.

There are not many ailments that affect your hit percentages actually. It's mostly set on around 97% hit chances, except if you try hitting something like head, which is very difficult to hit because it kills the enemy instantly in most cases. You can affect the percentages by cutting the legs of the enemy for example which makes the enemy less agile. The game does mention this, but only after you've actually cut the legs. So it does require the player to stumble upon this, which can be seen a bit problematic...

It's true that the first impressions can leave really unfair taste in the mouth of the player and this can drive many people away. But the way I also see it is that the first impressions can create a really unfair and hopeless feeling and this carries over to the sections that are otherwise more pleasant to the player. In other words I think the hopeless opening hours of the game are really important for the overall atmosphere of the game. It's a double edged sword for sure and I'm not saying the balance is perfect as it is. But it's something I keep experimenting with. It's not to disrespect the players, because every new map you manage to advance to means tons of effort from my part too.

Again thanks for the constructive criticism. The game has been constantly evolving because of similar detailed experiences. It really helps me create better experiences in the future :)


If what you're worried about is breaking immersion by explaining the combat, then my simple suggestion would be to use the books more. I liked the books a lot and felt that they were very effective ways of teaching basic mechanics that I could both go back too, while also feeling natrual. Like, there's nothing odd about a book listing different sciences, like phobias or different chemical combinations. 

So, I would simply suggest adding a book that's a 'guarenteed drop', since there are things that seem to do spawn with each new playthrough somewhere in the first area, to reward exploration and since you've probably fought a guard by then, it kinda gives you this "ooh, so that's how you do it, I get it" feeling. 

As for the contents, just make it about some prison guard captain or something listing some basic combat tips directed to his guards, like "Always go for the limbs first, to make it easier to hit the head", and or whatever. Such tips, I think, would nudge the player toward learning some of the basic mechanics, while also remaining natrual and not giving away too much.

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