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Where am i


Hey orange, I bought the game 2 days ago and wanted to ask if I could get a steam key. I can provide purchase confirmation and other screenshots if needed. 

why is it one cent less here than on steam

Deleted 47 days ago


(1 edit) (+2)

had to buy it from here since it is not available on steam, in my country.. I hope i dont miss out updates


Hello, I just bought the game on itch and was wondering if it could be possible to get the Steam Key for it? (I'll attach the purchase confirmation if required) 

considering trying this guy and also the first funger. would downloading on playonmac work, or any virtual machine?

worked perfectly for me on a fairly old mac


I'm sorry for pirating your game I bought it on steam but my laptop broke 😭

Thanks for replying, but that happens to me on a desktop pc with windows. So I don't really know what to do... in the city I'm running at 5 fps when I exceed the game requirements

(5 edits) (-3)

All of the ways to run Termina on Mac that are free

Node.js (Likely free? I haven't tried it myself but correct me if I'm wrong) (Node.js tut for running is linked by them)

Whiskey (IT WILL NOT RUN WITHOUT MODIFICATIONS TO THE BOTTLE): (Link to the latest release) (a Twitter/X video reply that made me able to run it because of the modifications (didn't work on Steam though))

If people can hardly see what's shown in the vid I can give a tut on it

Porting Kit (I did this on my own so I'm making a text tut made for people who genuinely don't know what Porting Kit is or how to use it at all, also I'd say this is a "nothing else is working" option since it's not the best at running Termina and can crash)

Step 1: Go to the website (

Step 2: Go to the download page (there are 2 links)

Step 3: Download the .zip file

Step 4: Unzip the file

Step 5: Open the app (if it says "Porting Kit" is an app downloaded from the internet. Are you sure you want to open it?" click "Open")

Step 6: After it opens (this might take a little bit) move it to the applications folder if it says it won't work properly if it's not in the applications folder (if it doesn't say this you can ignore this step) and it should restart after on its own

Step 7: Go to "All Games" and click "New Custom Port" (you can name it whatever you want)

Step 8: Click "Next" after it says "You are about to install (name) using the Porting Kit"

Step 9: Click "Next" on the agreement (You can read it if you want, but I'm not gonna give a TL;DR on the agreement when it's 7 points)

Step 10: Do NOT mess with any of the advanced options and just click "Next" (if it says WS11WineCX21.2.0 for engine, the operating system is Windows 10, the Windows driver is Mac Driver, and there are no dependencies you're good)

Step 11: Click "Next" if you have the Game.Exe file from downloading Termina on here

Step 12: Click "Next" when it says the install location if you want it to go there

Step 13: Find the .exe file (the dependent for it to run) and open it

Step 14: Wait

Step 15: Close out when you're ready (I'd recommend doing it IMMEDIATELY to not even attempt to risk a crash)

Step 16: Select the .exe option again

Step 17: Congrats you can run Termina on Porting Kit (If it doesn't work the 1st time I'd try again)

Hope this helps people who want to play Termina on Mac

If you're having issues I likely won't respond for a while because I barely check here, so if you see someone having an issue and know the solution please respond to them

I tried the Node method and it wouldn't save the game (now this may be due to my computer, so don't totally count this method out) . I just downloaded wineskin directly, you don't even need porting kit. Was able to run the game on a 2018 macbook air and the game never crashed. It does have abysmal frame rate, especially in places like the church and the orphanage, and eat up the battery like crazy but it's still playable.

Hi all, does anyone know how to fix the fps drop when enemies chase you?


Aaaand another meme!

This will be the last one for now, I ran out of ideas.


For all Germans who are still asking for Keys


I'm wondering if the other contestants will become playable too at some point?

Got more fan content for you guys!


Hi!! Is there a plan to make a mac version of this game like there is for the first one?



Any chances for a Linux version? I want to play the second part as well, but no buying without a Linux port.

(1 edit) (+2)

fun game but this comments section has so little chill that I can feel the heat through my keyboard

perfectly good game otherwise

edit: the crazy guy is gone?!


Jesus fucking Christ I didn't even see that before you pointed it out.

All I saw was people asking for a Steam key. Shouldn't have scrolled down further.

At least those posts have many dislikes. I'm German myself, bought both games on here to support the dev.

I wonder when people will finally stop hating Germans over something that literally was 80 years ago.


Meme delivery!


Hey, guys!

Found this game a while ago, and I absolutely love it!

I hope you don't mind if I drop off some Memes I made for this game here.


will there ever be a mac port? struggling to play with PlayOnMac


I have this on steam and unfortunately have to pirate it to play on mobile (sorry) but it is my favorite game, like ever, if you can't hanle extreme topics that the game has a warning for that is fine but if you can id seriously recommend playing this, the story and characters are really good 


Any idea when the next patch will be released? It's been over a year


Love this game, awesome artwork and really great soundtrack, I also really like Marina and Samarie and I think Samarie is really cool honestly.

I also like Abella and Marina and Samarie, but mostly Marina.

Samarie is cool too though

great game 10/10 it took me like a month to beat it? I even got ending A which obviously i'm not spoiling Its just a great game harder most and its fun to strategize how you'll beat your next fight so its just really fun is what I gotta say


A linux version like the first part? Im waiting for this version to buy this amazing game


can u make it so that we can save without it taking up time from our day (in-game) i can't tell u how many times I've died and had to start all over again and only have gone through the first 10 min of the gameplay :/ (not to mention the lags that happen that I've had to turn off the game and restart itself and then coming back with lost data and having to start again even tho I didn't die)


Anyone know if the Mac version will be release soon ?


Any mac user can follow this guide to play the game on mac :0 (also ty so much for making such a wonderful game/series!)

I don't have any sound on safari when im doin this 

im doing it on firefox and it works ok there, maybe a diff browser? (also sorry I didn't see this until like 2+ months later)

is there no mac  :(


Levi is litteraly me


cant wait till im not broke to buy the full game ,,, im coming for u levi


I heard nothing but good things about this game being hard as balls, and yes its like Darkest Dungeon, its gameplay WILL be unfair, but that's the catch.  I just want to say great job everyone.


can someone please explain the german thing? what? is it some weird localization thing that makes playing games on itch less convienient in germany? is it a cultural thing? do people have a burning hatred for german gamers?


I think they want to own it on Steam, but it's not sold on Steam here in Germany, so they want a key for the game


Игра реально пиздатая, прям ахуенная, всем советую. Есть возможность купить - дерзайте без колебаний. Супер ахуенно, автор молодец

(2 edits) (+11)(-10)

as a german these german comments annoy me. are these all teenagers who want to play "das kantige spiel" but never installed a game not via steam? or do they just wanna flex on discord with the currently playing function or on steam with the fact that they own/play "ze evil game from tiktok". or is this some 150 iq meta humor trolling in action...


For one, some people care a lot about achievements. Why judge?


i always found the idea of focusing on thropy hunting silly tbh imho


i own fear and hunger on steam. it does not have achievements.


you realle assume the worst of people... fyi i'm 30+ yo and i just asked for a key cause i saw other peeps doing the same and thought i might miss out on an opportunity to show my favorite game some love by posting it on my profile...


i never felt like steam is a social network where people get ideas for new games to play by looking at other profiles or something. also im not even sure (german) people can see the game popping up in ur profile since it isn't official on the platform. mainly i find the persistency of the commenst cringe inducing. i know its out of desperation but comeon, looks like it didnt work for anyone or am i wrong?


hi i just bought this game from germany and wondered if i could please get a steam key <3


Don't use a VPN to buy the Game on Steam. It's not worth it. Just get it on here.


Excuse me, I dont really know where should I report a bug but I found one pretty persistent, its like it restock everything in a room after going out of the room and coming back, the enemies remain dead but their heads and organs can be taken again, some barrels, crates can be searched again but not bookcases, doors that I opened are again closed and the event of Marina with Daan at the bar repeat every time I enter, I did another run with another character and it was still happening, I played in easier and fear and hunger mode and it doesnt appear to make imposible to get anything to complete the game but its pretty weir


how may i get the updates? I bought that game last year since then there are few updates..

(1 edit) (+1)

You need to download latest update, then go into the files of your current version in the folder "www" and copy the folder "saves" and copy it and paste it at the same place in the folder of the new version

Deleted 1 year ago
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