This game gave myself, and all my friends a genuinely unique experience. My buddy Earth_Brother streamed his entire first playthrough on Twitch as Marcoh with all our homies on call through Discord, and it was like no other game experience we've had. The community has been very welcoming and helpful. The same 10 or so folks tuned in memeing about the plot every night and it was sublime. 10/10. This game, the art behind it, and the community for it fucking rules.
Thanks for the game! I bought this month ago and got unforgettable experience from it. Finally did all the tasks, endings and challenges that interest me and can now rest while waiting new playable characters. Good luck you in further game development!
Considering that I'm planning to still update F&H1 a bit after 3 years, it's a difficult thing to estimate when it will be "final". I don't want to make these games forever projects, but there are still numerous things I'd like to add to the game to make it better.
The game is full game in my opinion, as in it tells the story I want and I don't feel like it's too light in content or anything. I do plan to flesh out one of the endings in a bigger fashion and it will probably be the only notable update as far as the canon story goes. Otherwise the updates will be mostly flavour, small details and character backstories. I'd say that half a year is pretty good bet for that ending. I'm also planning to add new playable characters, depending how many of them gets in the game it could take a long while... Sorry for such a vague answer.
Why i can't save Tanaka from Needles? I walk up to this clown, while he starts chopping off head, and press enter with all my might. But the only thing that happens is Tanaka's head rolling. And so the game is cool (I was a little scared)
There's a single way to save him - not triggering this event. You can completely ignore this bunker. Or you can kill Woodsman and then kill Needles in the city - when you go down in bunker tunnels Tanaka will be saved.
Ah yeah, I haven't forgotten, it's just that I've had my hands full of work since the release. Things are settling down a bit and I think I'll look into other platforms soon.
It's a bit clumsy on, but you have to re-download the game to update it. It's probably not worth the effort with every new small patch that comes around (unless there is something specific you want fixed mentioned in the changelog) but whenever bigger updates rolls out, it might be worth it.
Been playing this for about two weeks now and it's one of my favorite things of all time.
One suggestion though, I find it werid that if you anger a party member with missing limbs (by trying to sacrifice them for example), they just grow them back with no explanation given for the fight. I get that if they didn't you could abuse their limb loss to cheese the contestant fights but I'm honestly more pressed about the immersion break...
Thank you for your hard work orange, hope to see more of your brilliance, be it in the form of new content for Termina or new ventures entirely.
Yeah good point. Honestly it's not for game balance reasons, it's just because it's a lot of work to check which limbs are intact in all the different scenes. I'm slowly patching some inconsistencies out of the game though, so I'm sure I'll get that fixed too eventually.
Hi I love the game but there are bugs I'd like to throw in case.
Note: im playing on steam version, i wont know if thats going to make a difference or not.
-as olivia i already lost both legs (from bear traps), but after getting hit by hurting from an enemy the message pops up that i 'lost my left leg.' (i got hit by hurting twice and the message appeared both times, so i think thats a confirmation?)
- not sure if bug or not but its weird i think, i will need to look at this further maybe, on day 1 morning the cutscene with Samarie and Domek plays only when you get the sewer key, on go through the sewers. but using other methods like using short circuit to go through the bunker doors to get to the city wont play the cutscene.
-pav says "concil" in his speech after saving him, i think the word is 'council'
- having high evasion, or maybe the evasion buff or something else. when the player has high evasion, casting flesh puppetry can miss. this so far is the one i think can miss on self cast.
- i dont have mind read learned but the menu message will show 'use lesser soul to learn the skill mind read' when trying to learn Golden Gate skill.
-i used murky vials on the heartless one and she lost all her limbs, and im just fighting a limbless torso that is just tackling me. its like a reverse nasharah, has the body but no head.
- unsure if bug or not? the gunman on top of the truck cant be interacted with because the player is only interacting with the truck that he is on top of when he is dead.
- the 2nd floor bookstore drawer states 'flyes' i think its 'flyers' but im unsure.
-very minor visual bug> when you have an engraving on your characters face and use the hexen and save the game the save file wont show the engraving on your face. you still have the effect and the pause menu still shows the engraving, but its just a weird thing.
-using first rot on 'the mob' turns the saw guy into a cocoon maleter.
- saw guy from 'the mob' also can dismember arms even though I am wearing arm guards
- yellow vials do nothing
- the spear sprite when attacking has a weird visual bug, that the tip of the spear is separated to screen left.
- not sure if intentional, Ossa starts with 125 Body, but goes down to 100 when failing a coin toss in the text adventure
- For some reason when you first meet Pav on Day 1 afternoon after exiting the bunker. Party members no longer show in the overworld, even after recruiting new ones they still wont show up. (Abella is not in my party when this happened)
- you can get chaugnar's soul twice. It would "feel better" if you can only absorb the soul beating chaugnar after riding the elevator down.
-Player will be stuck in running speed when holding down shift when out of Stamina.
update:The blue upgrade for spiceforge is what makes the "greater flesh puppetry" skill appear in the menu skill menu even though I dont have it. If I dont use the blue upgrade the skill does not appear. - I dont have flesh puppetry unlocked in Hexen, but after using spice forge makes it show up for some reason. I cant cast it, but its there in the menu.
Update: magna-medical wont use up a limb like arms when wearing equipment limb loss prevention items like arm guards. -Magna-medical when used will ask to resurrect a dead party member who is not in your current party. (it will ask to resurrect a dead party member in the overworld).
-necromancy does not use up Mind,
-Update: (this guy, link below. Overwrites a ghoul you have resurrected already, which is why he gets the same injuries/engraving/health/ and current equipped items when resurrected with necromancy.) when sacrificing a ghoul to grogoroth and resurrecting a new ghoul, the NEW ghoul will have the same injuries/status effects/ engrave sigils on it as the sacrificed ghoul. update: its the gun wielding ghoul thats mostly glitchy and can screw up the other soldier ghouls,
I think the villager types are fine. both ghoul types will occasionally get the names wrong when resurrecting a new ghoul.
-I think a misspelling, of sleeping bed with "sleeping bad" in the text adventure.
- meditation(1) gives full rev points?
- killing a "specific NPC" will soft lock the game because his pre-transformation wont give you the key to unlock the old town door gates. you can still get the bunker key, but just not the other key.
-not a bug but would be nice to see. the status effects on the fighting UI look very squished, especially when there are multiple status effects. Fear and Hunger 1's status effect UI on the fighting bar looked better in my opinion. I think seeing the status effect on the player sprite while in combat is good enough for the icons to be on.
- Extra nice to haves? It would be awesome to have unique items to moon scorched bosses so that players actively seek them out instead of going for the easier option(killing them pre-scorched). Like getting a cursed knife as a weapon from the gentleman, or a feather from the Valkyrie, or getting pocketcat's pants
- nice to haves? Marriage in Termina. I miss being a blob person. Not counting what stiches does to you.
- nice to haves? soldier ghouls being to wield lugers only, and villager ghouls being able to wield sickles only. other than that they have to use their fists. It would be a nice Eureka moment for the player to realize their ghouls can hold the same specific same weapon as the enemies.
- black Kalev has one accessory slot but cant equip anything ( i thought i could make the goat wear necklaces.)? not sure if thats intended or not.
- Not sure if a bug but still writing this down, When Levi dies and gets resurrected with Magna medical he losses heroin addiction. I think the near death experience sobers him up,
- the sandman's kiss uses the knife sprite when fighting. I dont know if it has a unique sprite yet which is why im unsure if it is a bug.
- unsure if a bug, pep pills do not have addiction effects like heroin. Even though the item description says it might?
There were more but I currently forgot, thank you so much for making this awesome game.
Thanks for the bug reports! I'll look into them. Some of them are already familiar bugs. The Flesh Puppetry bug is the most bizarre one. I've tried to fix it numerous times but clearly I haven't found the root of its problem.
Marina was born male, raised female by her mother to avoid becoming a dark priest and has lived as such ever since. I believe dialogue with one of the priests also reveals that.
I will try to avoid spoilers in so saying, but the boss you're referring to is not dysphoria, it's Dysmorphia, which is a reference to a different condition. Its name and imagery more than likely have everything to do with what the character more directly related to it is going through, instead--and you can fight it as any character, as far as I'm aware.
Not trying to dismiss the concept mentioned above, mind you, as I think Marina *at least* touches on some themes along those lines (if she is not outright intended to be a transfeminine person under this setting's dark-magic-fueled strangereal logic); the author is very thoughtful about the themes he explores, and such things are not done without intent, in my opinion.
Simply, I want to get the details straight on said boss fight, and to not wholely brush aside the character related to it... different though said character may be, I get the sensation there's more going on there than the story currently presents.
Wanted to say , that game is indeed great, had fun playing it.
The thing that i really enjoyed and hope to get some development is crafting system and endings rewards. I mean , it was intresting for me to plan my road based on the ingridients i needed for meat grinder, so some alternatives would be cool for different situations and playstyles. Maybe instead of hexen spells rewards , add some new recipes from the game start, or open some new paths by giving key from the start for some new location with recipes.
I mean, my main frustration is about the current rewards, these are only spells for mages, would be nice to have some phys alternatives or anything that change the gameplay
Also it would be great, if you made a deeper combat manual as a book, which talks about some fighting details , like , the way stats work or calculate. Like , i earlier thought that each 10 agility stacks would give you bonus turns , which, turns out ,caps on 20 agi . Or im still not sure about the fact if accuracy stacks( glasses , hexen passive skill and Daan stance) , it would make finding any other book from bibles less annoying and useful.
And finally, wanted to say about injuries and statuses, cool system, which, i believe, is too basic.
No long term unique problems, that fight would cause. It all ends on loosing a limb or not, which , i think, is too impactful and annoying. And the fact that it counters with some rng by finding salamonke rune adds to it.(or sylv bible) (I know that game makes you wanna escape an enemy instead of fighting it, but im probably complaining because of how much lags chases cause for me, so its just impoissible to escape )
I believe that more bearable but gameplay affecting injuries would make runs more unique. This also apply to phobias,i havent noticed any impact from them It would be more intresting to have some random beginning status effects, that would place player in need of solving these issues and forming a plan from the start.
However i understand, that its much and much easier so say then do,
(Status effects, for instance, : less healing from vials , not eating meat, hearing loss, accuracy loss with slashing weapons, vodka addiction,gynophobia or androphobia affecting talking, etc etc )
Speaking of lags , seems like its only my problem with game freezing and slowing down on chases, so i guess my pc is just poo poo, still would apreciate some optimization option setting to improve fps.
All in all ,wanted to thank you for creating such an inspiring game, its about projects like this, that make me wanna do something on my own. Details , details , details, its all about them what makes this game a masterpiece. Seeing more of them in the future would be great.
Amazing game, even better than the first one. Just wondering if you are ever planning on adding achievements. I am fully aware that this might not be prioritized right after the game launched but it would be fun to have in the future. Getting achievements does as the name implies give a sense of achievement and also fuels the incentive to replay the game at least for me. Other than this I'd say the game is almost perfect from an enjoyment standpoint, amazing job!
love the game and eveyrhing you have done with it. Quick question though, is there a way to message you on another platform as I've never used this one and it's weird to figure out. If not I can keep it to this just will need time to ask
Loved the Game! Unfortunately it doesn't have the same replayability than the first one as the map doesn't change every new game, Nevertheless I played the hell out of it for the entire week and achieved all endings. I was curious if Masoxsim mode has differenet endings or is the same but extremelly complicated and if the near future there was any possiblity of a happy ending where we all survived (is just wishfull thinking). Thank you for such an amazing game!!
I agree that the replayability isn't quite there, but I have some ideas to spice it up in future updates. Let's see if I can do anything about it. The ending is the same in Masochism mode, it's mostly the just for challenge. There are a couple of unique events in it though. And yeah, a happy(er) ending is planned. Not 100% sure about its details but it would probably be one of the bigger updates if it ever materializes. Glad you like the game!
Awesome game, great characters, great setting, great lore, great variety of enemies, great art, great music. Very glad I found it. If you're wondering if you should buy it, buy it. I have strongly recommended it to friends and will be buying a couple of extra copies for family to play.
And all being made by a single person is so impressive!
Is there any way someone from germany could buy the game / send you money and recieve a steam key? I found a comment you wrote regarding this to contact you via the "contact us" field, but when I do ctrl+f and write "contact us" nothing except that message comes up, not sure how this site works.
Oh I realized it doesn't necessarily show up when you're viewing a game page. Go to's main page. (just Scroll down to the bottom and you have CONTACT US page. If you've bought the game on there should be an option to "Email the developers"
I can give you a Steam key via email if you contact me there.
thanks for the info i also bought both of youre games here and send you an email the way you described. i want to explore youre games but i prefer steam as a central platform for my games and sadly i cant buy them there because their not available in my region on steam.
There's been a demand for one. The problem is that the game doesn't support the latest MacOS. I'll be uploading the Mac version regardless, but please keep in mind the incompatibility issues. I will look into the issue and see if it's possible to get it running on newer operating systems too.
Sorry for the delay. I'll make sure to have the latest versions up on itchio too on day 1. I've been a bit unprepared for the hassle the game release has created for me. Luckily things should ease up now.
The problem is that the version of RPG Maker I'm using doesn't support the latest Mac OS. I could port it to Mac, but it might not work properly on later versions of the OS. If there a way on Mac to play on legacy versions of the OS?
I believe there are ways to download and install old versions of OS. I know I personally never upgraded my Mac past Mojave specifically because I didn't want to lose the ability to play the first Fear & Hunger. I would personally love a port to Mac, but I can understand if that's not exactly a lucrative move given that most people wouldn't be able to play it without downloading an earlier version of OS.
It's not really much trouble for me personally to port it to MAC. I'm just afraid the incompatibility issues would be more confusing than anything. But I guess it could solved with huge disclaimers before buying the game?
What the hell. Give me a day or two and I'll have the MAC port up here.
Just bought it here (for more than 11 bucks, as promised :P), still strange that it's not available in Germany on that one popular ST**M platform. Looking forward!!!
It's not rated here so it's considered Adults Only which makes it unavailable in Germany. Fucking sucks because Itch doesn't come with auto-patches or anything like that. Oh well..
I really like Fear & Hunger: Termina so far! However, I'd like to suggest a feature: "Field Saves". Essentially, let me be able to save the game from the menu while exploring Prehevil temporarily because it really sucks to lose a lot of progress because you can't continue playing for whatever reason.
This savefile should automatically be deleted after loading it 1 time or if the game wasn't shut down properly (that would prevent save scumming)
Many rogue-likes and rogue-lites use this save system (e.g. Shiren the Wanderer and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon to name a few).
here's another suggestion: Could you put the automatic save that you get after completing the character background story to right after the start of Day 1?
It really sucks to miss out on recruiting Abela simply because I don't want to replay the tutorial and the introduction each and every time!
You can skip the tutorial and the introductions easily. For tutorial it literally asks if you want to skip it and for the introductions you can just choose the second option when you first step outside of the train. (It's usually something like "Sorry, I need to be on my way" or along the lines. Depends on the character)
You do not miss anything by skipping the introductions and if you skip the tutorial(intro) you only miss the chance to get the Janitor's weapon.
I'll look into the "field save" mechanic. Not a bad idea at all.
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This game gave myself, and all my friends a genuinely unique experience. My buddy Earth_Brother streamed his entire first playthrough on Twitch as Marcoh with all our homies on call through Discord, and it was like no other game experience we've had. The community has been very welcoming and helpful. The same 10 or so folks tuned in memeing about the plot every night and it was sublime. 10/10. This game, the art behind it, and the community for it fucking rules.
Thanks for the game! I bought this month ago and got unforgettable experience from it. Finally did all the tasks, endings and challenges that interest me and can now rest while waiting new playable characters. Good luck you in further game development!
Looking forward to playing this gem after going through the demo. Do you know when it will be final?
I would like to come back to it then. Even something vague like a half a year would be helpful to me.
Considering that I'm planning to still update F&H1 a bit after 3 years, it's a difficult thing to estimate when it will be "final". I don't want to make these games forever projects, but there are still numerous things I'd like to add to the game to make it better.
The game is full game in my opinion, as in it tells the story I want and I don't feel like it's too light in content or anything. I do plan to flesh out one of the endings in a bigger fashion and it will probably be the only notable update as far as the canon story goes. Otherwise the updates will be mostly flavour, small details and character backstories. I'd say that half a year is pretty good bet for that ending. I'm also planning to add new playable characters, depending how many of them gets in the game it could take a long while... Sorry for such a vague answer.
Hi sorry for the disturbing but how can i send you a proof the fact that i buy fear and hunger 1 for having a steam key ?
Why i can't save Tanaka from Needles?
I walk up to this clown, while he starts chopping off head, and press enter with all my might. But the only thing that happens is Tanaka's head rolling.
And so the game is cool (I was a little scared)
There's a single way to save him - not triggering this event. You can completely ignore this bunker. Or you can kill Woodsman and then kill Needles in the city - when you go down in bunker tunnels Tanaka will be saved.
Dear Orange, I'd love to play this game on Mac but there is still no Mac port. Is it coming anytime soon?
Hello! This is Stelios from the Greek site Would it be possible to have a Steam key for a review? Thank you!
I contacted you through about a request for a steam key. I hope this is still possible. :)
Same. Hoping for the best.
Hey! sorry to bother but is there any update to a possible macOS port?
If I advanced time do some of the contestants get corrupted and turned into monsters or is it just key events I do.
yes, passing time will affect contestants and have them get closer to becoming moonscorched
So to save them all I need to have a good strategy to stay alive for the 1st day thank you.
If I bought this game here can I received steamkey?
How many languages does this game support?🧐
You forgot to release the game for gamejolt.
Ah yeah, I haven't forgotten, it's just that I've had my hands full of work since the release. Things are settling down a bit and I think I'll look into other platforms soon.
how do you update the game?
It's a bit clumsy on, but you have to re-download the game to update it. It's probably not worth the effort with every new small patch that comes around (unless there is something specific you want fixed mentioned in the changelog) but whenever bigger updates rolls out, it might be worth it.
Best horror game ever made even beats silent hill 2
I love it and it should cost 70 euro cause it has SO MUCH CONTENT. I replayed it now 4 times everytime something happened that I didn't expect yet.
Let's not get carried away lol. Silent Hill 1 and Resident Evil Remake are still holding the crown : D
Really glad you like the game though! Hope I one day get close to the mastery found in those titles.
Been playing this for about two weeks now and it's one of my favorite things of all time.
One suggestion though, I find it werid that if you anger a party member with missing limbs (by trying to sacrifice them for example), they just grow them back with no explanation given for the fight. I get that if they didn't you could abuse their limb loss to cheese the contestant fights but I'm honestly more pressed about the immersion break...
Thank you for your hard work orange, hope to see more of your brilliance, be it in the form of new content for Termina or new ventures entirely.
Yeah good point. Honestly it's not for game balance reasons, it's just because it's a lot of work to check which limbs are intact in all the different scenes. I'm slowly patching some inconsistencies out of the game though, so I'm sure I'll get that fixed too eventually.
Thanks for the nice words too!
Hi I love the game but there are bugs I'd like to throw in case.
Note: im playing on steam version, i wont know if thats going to make a difference or not.
-as olivia i already lost both legs (from bear traps), but after getting hit by hurting from an enemy the message pops up that i 'lost my left leg.' (i got hit by hurting twice and the message appeared both times, so i think thats a confirmation?)
- not sure if bug or not but its weird i think, i will need to look at this further maybe, on day 1 morning the cutscene with Samarie and Domek plays only when you get the sewer key, on go through the sewers. but using other methods like using short circuit to go through the bunker doors to get to the city wont play the cutscene.
-pav says "concil" in his speech after saving him, i think the word is 'council'
- having high evasion, or maybe the evasion buff or something else. when the player has high evasion, casting flesh puppetry can miss. this so far is the one i think can miss on self cast.
- i dont have mind read learned but the menu message will show 'use lesser soul to learn the skill mind read' when trying to learn Golden Gate skill.
-i used murky vials on the heartless one and she lost all her limbs, and im just fighting a limbless torso that is just tackling me. its like a reverse nasharah, has the body but no head.
- unsure if bug or not? the gunman on top of the truck cant be interacted with because the player is only interacting with the truck that he is on top of when he is dead.
- the 2nd floor bookstore drawer states 'flyes' i think its 'flyers' but im unsure.
-very minor visual bug> when you have an engraving on your characters face and use the hexen and save the game the save file wont show the engraving on your face. you still have the effect and the pause menu still shows the engraving, but its just a weird thing.
-using first rot on 'the mob' turns the saw guy into a cocoon maleter.
- saw guy from 'the mob' also can dismember arms even though I am wearing arm guards
- yellow vials do nothing
- the spear sprite when attacking has a weird visual bug, that the tip of the spear is separated to screen left.
- not sure if intentional, Ossa starts with 125 Body, but goes down to 100 when failing a coin toss in the text adventure
- For some reason when you first meet Pav on Day 1 afternoon after exiting the bunker. Party members no longer show in the overworld, even after recruiting new ones they still wont show up. (Abella is not in my party when this happened)
- you can get chaugnar's soul twice. It would "feel better" if you can only absorb the soul beating chaugnar after riding the elevator down.
-Player will be stuck in running speed when holding down shift when out of Stamina.
update:The blue upgrade for spiceforge is what makes the "greater flesh puppetry" skill appear in the menu skill menu even though I dont have it. If I dont use the blue upgrade the skill does not appear.
- I dont have flesh puppetry unlocked in Hexen, but after using spice forge makes it show up for some reason. I cant cast it, but its there in the menu.
Update: magna-medical wont use up a limb like arms when wearing equipment limb loss prevention items like arm guards.
-Magna-medical when used will ask to resurrect a dead party member who is not in your current party. (it will ask to resurrect a dead party member in the overworld).
-necromancy does not use up Mind,
(this guy, link below. Overwrites a ghoul you have resurrected already, which is why he gets the same injuries/engraving/health/ and current equipped items when resurrected with necromancy.)
when sacrificing a ghoul to grogoroth and resurrecting a new ghoul, the NEW ghoul will have the same injuries/status effects/ engrave sigils on it as the sacrificed ghoul.
update: its the gun wielding ghoul thats mostly glitchy and can screw up the other soldier ghouls,
I think the villager types are fine. both ghoul types will occasionally get the names wrong when resurrecting a new ghoul.
-I think a misspelling, of sleeping bed with "sleeping bad" in the text adventure.
- meditation(1) gives full rev points?
- killing a "specific NPC" will soft lock the game because his pre-transformation wont give you the key to unlock the old town door gates. you can still get the bunker key, but just not the other key.
-not a bug but would be nice to see. the status effects on the fighting UI look very squished, especially when there are multiple status effects. Fear and Hunger 1's status effect UI on the fighting bar looked better in my opinion. I think seeing the status effect on the player sprite while in combat is good enough for the icons to be on.
- Extra nice to haves? It would be awesome to have unique items to moon scorched bosses so that players actively seek them out instead of going for the easier option(killing them pre-scorched).
Like getting a cursed knife as a weapon from the gentleman, or a feather from the Valkyrie, or getting pocketcat's pants
- nice to haves? Marriage in Termina. I miss being a blob person. Not counting what stiches does to you.
- nice to haves? soldier ghouls being to wield lugers only, and villager ghouls being able to wield sickles only. other than that they have to use their fists. It would be a nice Eureka moment for the player to realize their ghouls can hold the same specific same weapon as the enemies.
- black Kalev has one accessory slot but cant equip anything ( i thought i could make the goat wear necklaces.)? not sure if thats intended or not.
- Not sure if a bug but still writing this down, When Levi dies and gets resurrected with Magna medical he losses heroin addiction. I think the near death experience sobers him up,
- the sandman's kiss uses the knife sprite when fighting. I dont know if it has a unique sprite yet which is why im unsure if it is a bug.
- unsure if a bug, pep pills do not have addiction effects like heroin. Even though the item description says it might?
There were more but I currently forgot, thank you so much for making this awesome game.
- sawing off ghoul's infected arm does not remove infection.
- I dont think the skill 'Devour' works, i've been running around town looking if I can eat a dead enemy like in the first game but its not working.
Thanks for the bug reports! I'll look into them. Some of them are already familiar bugs. The Flesh Puppetry bug is the most bizarre one. I've tried to fix it numerous times but clearly I haven't found the root of its problem.
your hard work is very much appreciated, I love this game and want to recommended it to people in its best form.
Not to trouble you, but do you have a bug/suggestions box we can send things to?
Thanks again dude.
live advice: always beat people who are on the ground
Could you please confirm that Marina is trans? Some people in the community don't seem to understand that. Thanks :)
Marina was born male, raised female by her mother to avoid becoming a dark priest and has lived as such ever since. I believe dialogue with one of the priests also reveals that.
I will try to avoid spoilers in so saying, but the boss you're referring to is not dysphoria, it's Dysmorphia, which is a reference to a different condition. Its name and imagery more than likely have everything to do with what the character more directly related to it is going through, instead--and you can fight it as any character, as far as I'm aware.
Not trying to dismiss the concept mentioned above, mind you, as I think Marina *at least* touches on some themes along those lines (if she is not outright intended to be a transfeminine person under this setting's dark-magic-fueled strangereal logic); the author is very thoughtful about the themes he explores, and such things are not done without intent, in my opinion.
Simply, I want to get the details straight on said boss fight, and to not wholely brush aside the character related to it... different though said character may be, I get the sensation there's more going on there than the story currently presents.
Wanted to say , that game is indeed great, had fun playing it.
The thing that i really enjoyed and hope to get some development is crafting system and endings rewards. I mean , it was intresting for me to plan my road based on the ingridients i needed for meat grinder, so some alternatives would be cool for different situations and playstyles.
Maybe instead of hexen spells rewards , add some new recipes from the game start, or open some new paths by giving key from the start for some new location with recipes.
I mean, my main frustration is about the current rewards, these are only spells for mages, would be nice to have some phys alternatives or anything that change the gameplay
Also it would be great, if you made a deeper combat manual as a book, which talks about some fighting details , like , the way stats work or calculate.
Like , i earlier thought that each 10 agility stacks would give you bonus turns , which, turns out ,caps on 20 agi . Or im still not sure about the fact if accuracy stacks( glasses , hexen passive skill and Daan stance) , it would make finding any other book from bibles less annoying and useful.
And finally, wanted to say about injuries and statuses, cool system, which, i believe, is too basic.
No long term unique problems, that fight would cause.
It all ends on loosing a limb or not, which , i think, is too impactful and annoying.
And the fact that it counters with some rng by finding salamonke rune adds to it.(or sylv bible)
(I know that game makes you wanna escape an enemy instead of fighting it, but im probably complaining because of how much lags chases cause for me, so its just impoissible to escape )
I believe that more bearable but gameplay affecting injuries would make runs more unique.
This also apply to phobias,i havent noticed any impact from them
It would be more intresting to have some random beginning status effects, that would place player in need of solving these issues and forming a plan from the start.
However i understand, that its much and much easier so say then do,
(Status effects, for instance, : less healing from vials , not eating meat, hearing loss, accuracy loss with slashing weapons, vodka addiction,gynophobia or androphobia affecting talking, etc etc )
Speaking of lags , seems like its only my problem with game freezing and slowing down on chases, so i guess my pc is just poo poo, still would apreciate some optimization option setting to improve fps.
All in all ,wanted to thank you for creating such an inspiring game, its about projects like this, that make me wanna do something on my own.
Details , details , details, its all about them what makes this game a masterpiece.
Seeing more of them in the future would be great.
Miro, honestly, doing gamedev for a living doesn't sound bad for you, unless you're employed already :D
Toned... down? The designs are way more grotesque than in the first game, tho I understand you.
Imagine Multiplayer in this.
It would be insane.
how many characters are there?
8 PLAYERS roaming around and killing each other.
Battle Royal Mode
lets fuken go the best game developer dropped yet another banger
Im not sure where to comment bugs(?)
Does rancid suppose to spam slash attack and obliterate all party ?
Amazing game, even better than the first one. Just wondering if you are ever planning on adding achievements. I am fully aware that this might not be prioritized right after the game launched but it would be fun to have in the future. Getting achievements does as the name implies give a sense of achievement and also fuels the incentive to replay the game at least for me. Other than this I'd say the game is almost perfect from an enjoyment standpoint, amazing job!
Thanks for the nice words! Achievements seem to be pretty up there in what people would like to see, so maybe I will have to seriously look into them.
love the game and eveyrhing you have done with it. Quick question though, is there a way to message you on another platform as I've never used this one and it's weird to figure out. If not I can keep it to this just will need time to ask
Discord and Twitter are fine by me too. I frequent those pretty often.
Loved the Game! Unfortunately it doesn't have the same replayability than the first one as the map doesn't change every new game, Nevertheless I played the hell out of it for the entire week and achieved all endings. I was curious if Masoxsim mode has differenet endings or is the same but extremelly complicated and if the near future there was any possiblity of a happy ending where we all survived (is just wishfull thinking). Thank you for such an amazing game!!
I agree that the replayability isn't quite there, but I have some ideas to spice it up in future updates. Let's see if I can do anything about it. The ending is the same in Masochism mode, it's mostly the just for challenge. There are a couple of unique events in it though. And yeah, a happy(er) ending is planned. Not 100% sure about its details but it would probably be one of the bigger updates if it ever materializes. Glad you like the game!
I honestly think the replayability got even better. Since there are so many events to miss on some days! Amazing work, big fan.
Awesome game, great characters, great setting, great lore, great variety of enemies, great art, great music. Very glad I found it. If you're wondering if you should buy it, buy it. I have strongly recommended it to friends and will be buying a couple of extra copies for family to play.
And all being made by a single person is so impressive!
This game is my fav, my favorite part is when Levi Goodman all over the town and Sauled Rher.
Is there any way someone from germany could buy the game / send you money and recieve a steam key? I found a comment you wrote regarding this to contact you via the "contact us" field, but when I do ctrl+f and write "contact us" nothing except that message comes up, not sure how this site works.
Im also interested in this.
Oh I realized it doesn't necessarily show up when you're viewing a game page. Go to's main page. (just Scroll down to the bottom and you have CONTACT US page. If you've bought the game on there should be an option to "Email the developers"
I can give you a Steam key via email if you contact me there.
Sorry for the confusion.
thanks for the info i also bought both of youre games here and send you an email the way you described. i want to explore youre games but i prefer steam as a central platform for my games and sadly i cant buy them there because their not available in my region on steam.
I sent an email but didn't receive a reply yet. Hope it came through.
I sent one three months ago and haven't recieved an answer yet sadly
When will the macOS version come
There's been a demand for one. The problem is that the game doesn't support the latest MacOS. I'll be uploading the Mac version regardless, but please keep in mind the incompatibility issues. I will look into the issue and see if it's possible to get it running on newer operating systems too.
thanks a lot,your game is master piece!
I'll be eagerly anticipating the Mac version as well. Played FaH1 when it came out and loved it. Thanks for your hard work and making such cool games!
When will the new patch come to itch?
This. Its kind of a bummer that we have to wait compared to steam. I can't buy the game on steam since I'm located in germany :(
Sorry for the delay. I'll make sure to have the latest versions up on itchio too on day 1. I've been a bit unprepared for the hassle the game release has created for me. Luckily things should ease up now.
Hello Do you have any plan to release it in mac?
The problem is that the version of RPG Maker I'm using doesn't support the latest Mac OS. I could port it to Mac, but it might not work properly on later versions of the OS. If there a way on Mac to play on legacy versions of the OS?
I believe there are ways to download and install old versions of OS. I know I personally never upgraded my Mac past Mojave specifically because I didn't want to lose the ability to play the first Fear & Hunger. I would personally love a port to Mac, but I can understand if that's not exactly a lucrative move given that most people wouldn't be able to play it without downloading an earlier version of OS.
It's not really much trouble for me personally to port it to MAC. I'm just afraid the incompatibility issues would be more confusing than anything. But I guess it could solved with huge disclaimers before buying the game?
What the hell. Give me a day or two and I'll have the MAC port up here.
Just bought it here (for more than 11 bucks, as promised :P), still strange that it's not available in Germany on that one popular ST**M platform. Looking forward!!!
It's not rated here so it's considered Adults Only which makes it unavailable in Germany. Fucking sucks because Itch doesn't come with auto-patches or anything like that. Oh well..
Ok, I see... that's sad! 2022, and still even as adults we can't just play everything here...
Well we could if Steam would implement an age vertification System like they all the Console Platforms have
I am from China and I have purchased the game. I heard that the Chinese language will be launched. Will the purchases here be updated simultaneously?
Hey orange~,
I really like Fear & Hunger: Termina so far! However, I'd like to suggest a feature: "Field Saves". Essentially, let me be able to save the game from the menu while exploring Prehevil temporarily because it really sucks to lose a lot of progress because you can't continue playing for whatever reason.
This savefile should automatically be deleted after loading it 1 time or if the game wasn't shut down properly (that would prevent save scumming)
Many rogue-likes and rogue-lites use this save system (e.g. Shiren the Wanderer and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon to name a few).
Hey orange~,
here's another suggestion: Could you put the automatic save that you get after completing the character background story to right after the start of Day 1?
It really sucks to miss out on recruiting Abela simply because I don't want to replay the tutorial and the introduction each and every time!
Thank you :D
You can skip the tutorial and the introductions easily. For tutorial it literally asks if you want to skip it and for the introductions you can just choose the second option when you first step outside of the train. (It's usually something like "Sorry, I need to be on my way" or along the lines. Depends on the character)
You do not miss anything by skipping the introductions and if you skip the tutorial(intro) you only miss the chance to get the Janitor's weapon.
I'll look into the "field save" mechanic. Not a bad idea at all.
So... There is no way to give you money from Russia?
Use prepaid debit card and crypto. It's a bit tricky but possible.
Buy it on steam by adding money to your wallet through qiwi wallet!
This! Got F&H:T game long ago this way and had much fun! Thanks for advices!
Will there be a Mac Release? There hasn't really been an update since the Catilina update borked it, and I was looking forward to this....