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I was close but i failed again oof, sorry for the sniffles lol. Also im pretty proud of the voice i gave to the mayor

Hello everyone, I am a youtuber and I hope to get some support from you guys by leaving a like and subscribe at my channel.

I am very proud to say that I have finally completed the demo XDDDDDD. The video above is my second video about this amazing game and the only issue that I can think of at this point of time is that maybe there should be three different modes available for the game (easy, medium and TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK MODE) which I assume that it will be added to the full game because I can imagine new players of the game being frustrated after playing the game multiple times XDDDD. Other than that, this is a great game and I hope that sir orange can leave comments for me on how do I improve in fighting mobs and how could I have played the game better XDDD.

Thank you for reading my comment.


Made an account just to say I think the main menu and boss themes are absolutely fantastic and I hope the rest of the OST is just as impressive.

(1 edit) (+3)


I left you a message earlier this year (about 10 months ago), asking about whether you wanted/needed some help with proofreading and whatnot, in regards to the first game of course. You told me that the problem was that the script wasn't written down anywhere, and as such you had no real way of sharing it, I think.

Well, I'm here just to ask whether the same circumstances still apply to Termina, and whether or not you would like/need another pair of eyes to help you out, even if it's just to proofread, I'd love to help :)

Keep up the good work, I'm loving everything I've seen so far!

was amazing game I Actually got all the keys so that was cool....but can not wait to play the full game so bad....did Find a couple of Bugs in it like is any way to Get Infinite Bear traps and the The other trap...yes it was amazing Box coin rolling was so not fun lol 😅 I all ways get Nothing and have to keep Loading my old save back try again and again....but yes looking forward to this one so much now 


Love your games dude!

Will Termina have more nudity like Fear and Hunger?


Maybe. I don't know yet. I don't want to put it there just for the sake of it, but if it fits the scene, then yeah,


I understand, just glad you're not censoring your vision. We need more kick ass devs like you bro!

Is there 2 gasoline cans in the game? If have, what are the locations for them?


Yup. I'd advise checking up the tunnel more thoroughly. (It's not exactly hidden)

which tunnel? the same one as you find the first gasoline can?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah that's the one. The is another similar green canister there.

alright thank you so much XD

all in the Hatch-one on the lift and one Somewhere In that room as well I hope this helps :3 


Hi, I saw on twitter you were looking for criticisms. 

I wasn't sure what you were trying to say with the Occultist's backstory, but the way you have it framed, it implies that we are supposed to think trans women are inherently horrific and grotesque and that you were torturing the Occultist by making them become one. By continuously saying they have a better life as a woman you are also implying that they don't wish to present or identify as one, but its ok for the audience to feel sympathy for them because they aren't "really" trans. 
That being said, I do think that you could make a pretty interesting story with a trans woman having transitioned when she was away from home and having to come out and face her family amongst all the other things that are going on. 

Thanks for being open for feed back! 

(9 edits) (+7)

I DEFINITELY didn't say "trans women are inherently horrific and grotesque".  There is not a single line that describes how trans people are  treated or considered in this world.   I don't think the demo explains how the occultist views herself at any point either. There is not one line from her that even mentions her sex or how she views herself as.

The intro doesn't compare life as a woman vs life as a trans woman. It compares life as a woman vs life as a man in this very specific religion.  

The reason these comparisons are done in the first place, is to show the evolution of the religion. In the original game the females were treated very differently in the religion of the dark priests.

I appreciate the feedback. I know people can interpret things in different ways, but I would really need more context on where you gathered these implications?


Hi, thanks for the response! I'm sorry I wasn't very clear with how I phrased things. 

The subtext I gathered from the line "despite your origin, your mother made sure you would appear more feminine when your father first laid his eyes on you." was that mother had the baby's genitals surgically altered, which is comparing sex reassignment surgery to genital mutilation. And because of this, the audience is supposed to feel bad for the character because they were forced into being a woman. And because we are supposed to feel bad, it implies that it is bad. 

When you kept mentioning that the character was in a more privileged position being female, it really feels like you are purposely drawing attention to it as as a key detail in how the character feels, which implied they feel the opposite. 

If you wanted to draw a comparison on how women and men were treated differently why make the transition forced against their will, or have a transition at all? You could more directly compare their experiences and upbringing to their father's childhood to strengthen  the tension between them and explain how the church views gender roles. 

I hope this helps! Thank you for listening and not directly writing me off!

Deleted 3 years ago

Okay I see what you mean. Occultist intro was a bit rushed. I'm not happy with how the script flows and there are some clumsy lines that definitely need to be remade. So I will have these things in mind when I rewrite it. But the context won't be changing. It would be a cheap thing to pull such character trait out.

The intro does imply that her mother did something, but it remains untold what exactly. I never intended it to sound bad though. Or something that would get the audience sympathy. Maybe it will become more apparent the further the game progresses, that the occultist doesn't have any crisis when it comes to her gender. (Not that the game story is about her gender anyways. That trait will just work more as a layer to her character portrayal. Just the same as Ex-soldier's story won't be about him being a man or whatever.)

(1 edit) (+2)(-6)

Hi, thank you for understanding! I'm really relieved to know it was just a misunderstanding on my part. I've just seen other horror media use the "boy forced to be a girl" trope for cheap shock value, and I really do appreciate you listening to trans people when we talk how these tropes are from our perspective. 

Thank you so much!

(1 edit) (-4)

In this universe I doubt the " hey infant if you aren't different gender and sex then dad gonna do some eff'ed up stuff to you as a son." "Oh thanks mother I am totally okay with rushed and secretive non medicated surgical procedure to very painfully make that happen so I don't suffer a potentially worse fate." was a consenting dialogue between the mother and "infant" son. Probable scenario. Step one provide the infant alcohol, step two pay a stranger to quickly not professionally remove genitalia, step 3 dress him up and instruct the developing child that if it were a boy consequences and child grows understanding this or an honest exchange about their original birth and procedure with the mother so to remain safe.


It doesn't imply anything, some people just like to preach their religion whenever they get half a chance and see heresy everywhere. The religiion in this case being "progressivism"


That's why it will never work, you got me suicidal


Thanks Dr. John Money

I found this game really amazing, but I still considering buy or not, do all Fear & Hunger series 's character engaging in sexual content are over the age of 18?


I'm glad you like it. Yes they are all over the age of 18.

But how old is the goat? hmmmmm.....


that goat's just a kid

Maybe I'm just dumb, but i couldn't find anyway to save? is that a feature in this demo?

Try the beds but be careful! Or you can get lucky and find a Book of Enlightenment.

I found a bug when you enter the required basement to get to the mayor's house the second time. I killed a villager and after either taking it's soul or chopping it's head off I could endlessly loot it for it's drops. Love the first game and this demo!


Oh! Thanks for letting me know! I'll check it out

(2 edits) (+1)

My second attempt at the series, boy is this game tough oof


Part 10! Time to clean this town up!


Part 9! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Well, the game certainly earns that disclaimer for sure. While I didn't get too far into the game demo, from what I saw, it is super interesting for sure. The fact that you even make use of in field damage to affect battle damage is a nice prop. Keep it up.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.

Seriously amazing work! I love the original F&H and this demo is just fantastic! Your additions and changes to the combat and Hexen makes this game fresh and unique enough to not feel like the same thing. I could go on and on about the artistic design, attention to detail, and sound/music design forever. F&H is one of the best games ever made with RPGMaker and this is looking to be even better. I love that even though I finished the demo, I'm excited to play again and discover all the things I missed. Keep up the great work! 


Awesome! I'm glad people are liking the game. It's such a big departure from the first game, so I was unsure about its reception.


Parr 8! So many deaths....

(1 edit) (-1)

I guess I read "affliction" instead of "affinity" with the gods. Unless it's the same concept you have in astrology (quite possible).


Ooops, It's funny how I can get such words entirely wrong. I'll fix this.

How do I use the lucky coins?

Holding SHIFT during the coin toss.

Part 7! Finale? Sorry for the audio. Enjoy!

hello! I had a really great time playing this so far and i wanted to say I'm really excited to play the rest of it! One bug i did encounter though is after using the chalk on the ritual circle in the house with the goat every other ritual circle has the same rune appear on it and then i cant interact with them anymore.

Oh! This needs a fix! Thanks!

How do you save the game?

(5 edits)

You either save by sleeping in a bed or using a book called 'The book of enlightenment'. Also you can only use the book once while you can sleep in the bed infinitely but you could get attacked if you sleep in the house with the goat nearby, the mayor's house also has a bed but you need a small key to open the room for it btw, still safer than the goat house though.

Nah, scratch that. There's actually a priest who can attack you there too so I guess if you want actual sleep just murder for it.

Thanks. Looks like this is too obnoxious for me. If you fail the fight, you have to restart the game, and even with skipping intro and character creation, you still have to endure the intro talk and then walk to the house to have your chance again.

Loved the goat, though, and the fact that you can feed a carrot to it. Reminds me of original King's Quest.

I think securing beds makes sense. I mean would you sleep in a bed in this town in real life? You won't get ambushed if you take care of the enemies in that area first.

But yeah, I can see why it would become tedious for some. This game and the first Fear & Hunger balance on a fine line of what's too much bullshit and what's not. I think it will become more tolerable in future releases when there are more ways to take in the beginning sections and more characters, etc.

btw, you can skip the intro talk too. Just say you're too busy for their talks.

If sleeping represents saving, then there should be a checkpoint as you awaken on the train. This way, you can keep your character settings and have a more comfortable point to restart the game if defeated in the first area.

Part 6! Bit of a bug near the end there but it's a demo so that's to be expected. Enjoy!

I noticed a bug - you can cut off an infinite number of legs (and possibly arms) from a ghoul

Oh! Okay! Gotta check this out! Thanks!

Deleted 3 years ago

I got some ideas about what to do with the god of nature, but it's still under development for sure. I did not know of these things you mention here, so they definitely got me thinking more. Even Trimurti is something I wasn't aware of before. I kind of thought to myself that lore like this would make sense. Seems like I'm not the first one :'D

Deleted 4 years ago

I finally kill the mayor after getting Levi, I thought that there are things to happen once the mayor was killed but I guess not.

and the headless dog can't be tamed. :(

BUT!!! I've got the Goat!!!

Wow! how did u tame that goat?

When you get to the basement of the woodsman then draw a symbol there. click the symbol then it will warp you to another place. There's a man then pick a choice when he ask you i don't know if you answer correctly to that man then get out of the house.

You can also use the head of vile, woodsman and the priest and use it in the circle that has 9 squares. You get the Soul's stone.

There's a bug when i cut the vile's head. It turns black and the screen just stay black...
I have the black goat when that happens.

black screen bug is pretty annoying one. I'm still fixing that one. One quick fix you can do is to use any item that activates a scene (like the bonesaw, heroin, etc.) That should reset the black screen. This of course is just a temporary fix to keep you playing. I'm working on the proper fix.

I really dig the post-war/supernatural setting, i can't wait to try out the other characters.

I've noticed that sometimes the sprites "switch" to different ones: for example when Kalev dies his body turns into a legless Ex-soldier, also the Ex-Soldier turns into the Occultist when sleeping on a bed and in his dreams. Also i cannot equip the trenchgun i got from the intro even if i have the shells.

Yeah the trenchgun was bugged (and other guns to lesser degree too) I released a new fixed version 1.2. Check it out. Trenchgun should work now. And also ammo should deplete in-battles too in a correct way. The sprite switch bug with your main character happens because there was a trigger in the tunnels that caused the game to recognize occultist as the main character in some scenes. I removed that trigger too, so hopefully it won't happen again. For Kalev, it's just a bug. I need to handle that one for the next version.

Thanks for letting me know!

And here's part 5! Quick question: does the demo have a legitimate end? I feel like after I get the other key that may lead me to an end.

Part 4! I'll have part 5 up in about an hour or so!

-The bed in mayor house teleport me back to woodsman house and I cant get out of the house

-Revive a dead soldier without necromancy ,after that the game lag and I cant shoot

-Infinite shotgun ammo during battle

despite the bug its a very interesting game.. hope u guys fix this

Yeah thanks for these! Fix will be coming soon enough. Most of these things are silly oversights luckily, so they are rather easy to fix.

good luck with fixing the bug :D

the bed in the old town teleports you back to the woodsman house, damn termina is breaking reality aswell lol

yeah, lol the beds are bugged currently. Fix coming soon enough.


And here's part 3! I'm not sure if the shotgun is supposed to have infinite ammo but I'm definitely not complaining.


Damn you are pushing these out fast! Thank you for all the coverage!

(6 edits)

Hello again Miro! This game/demo is already awesome! Is the story focused only on these two characters or you plan to add more?

Hey! There will be more characters to come! Despite the title screen maybe suggesting otherwise...

I knew it! Thank you for replying.

Here's Part 2 of my playthrough of the demo. The next part will drop in an hour or so but this time I'll be playing as the soldier. Any tips ( non spoilers of course) for an occultist playthrough would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and enjoy! ( Also no lag issues this time since im using a different recording program!)

(3 edits)

So i've spent a decent amount of time in the demo at the moment, compiling a list of bugs/issues that arrised.

1: Shotgun has ammo infinite in battles due to to it attempting to use the wrogn ammo type(rifle)

2: house with the redbox, when leaving through the cellar door if you attempt to return through the Cellar door you become warped inside a wall and unable to progress.

3: Same house with the bugged cellar has a glitched over hanging pipe that prvents the playerrom progressing through a specific pathway.

4:Visual bug with lightstands occur in the mayors house, if you light he candle the stand seems to disapear leaving the light floating.

5:  (Unsure if intentional), If you rest inside the mayors bed and have previously used another bed you'll find your self teleported to the past bed after leaving the rest menu.

6: In the house that you can aquire the black matter it's possible to repeatably interact with the plate to infinity gather black matter.

7: As you enter into the woods towards the dog, if you walk to the left near the treelines the dogs will become aggrovated and find themselves stuckon the log allowing the player to bypas them.

8:Before going past the dogs towards the woodsman the player can find themselves shifting through several of the trees, finding their way to the large tree creature(unsure if this was intentional or not), additionaly the player can continue up and to the left throug the tree line you come across out of map mines/bear traps along with sacrifices npc's.

9: After sleeping in woodsmans bed light for the transition for speaking with the moon guy and using hexen appears but when leaving the menu the light persists, re-sleeping in the bed somewhats solves the issue but still occurs.

10: Rarely after cutting off a villagers head with the bone saw the screen will fade black but the blackness will not receed leaving the field screen blackened.

Thanks for the list! I'll doing some fixes now. There are some rather nasty bugs here and there.

How to use the rifles?  Apparently n matter what I click in items I still have only the knife, and pressing SHIFT around does nothing.

You have to equip the rifle first. There is a separate window for equipping things. After you see the character holding the rifle, then you got it ready.

Hey everyone! Here's part 1 of my Fear & Hunger: Termina playthrough. Sorry for the lag in the beginning; it gets better later in the video and is a recording issue, not a issue with the game. Enjoy!


I've been waiting for this for so long, so glad you're going ahead and making more in the Fear & Hunger series

I still suck at it though

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