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Hi i´m also from Germany and just bought the game. 

I would also like a Steam Key can i get one here?


Hi i´m also from Germany and just bought the game. 

I would also like a Steam Key can i get one here?


Hi i'm from Germany too. can i have a Steam Key please?

Yeah sure... get one on twitter.^^

i tried to get one for free

Hi, are there any plans of porting this game to mac like the first one ? I'd love to be able to play it but im too dumb to get a windows virtual machine to work

I could help you to set it up just drop me your discord so i can add you


Greetings from another Fellow from Germany! 
Like my fellow german i would also ask for a Steam key, i bought the game recently and im totally amazed by your work whenever i see it!

Dont Overwork Yourself! Take your time, because what you do is just amazing!


Hey from germany. Isnt it possible to put the censored version on steam? I bought it here but its a shame it is banned on steam in germany :/


Hello there! Yet another german buyer here who would like a Steam key if possible? Otherwise, is there a way to get Termina running on a Steam Deck with the Windows version from here?

You can use the Heroic launcher from desktop mode. There is then an option within heroic to add the game to steam (as a non steam game). Make sure you use proton. 


Another german purchaser here- please could I also have a steam key. Keep up the great work.

Aussie here- downloads say i need permisson to download ?? I have bought the game from u?

Do i need a steam key??

if you purchased the game through, you shouldn't need a steam key to download off this platform.
I didn't have a problem starting a download via a vpn server in australia, so I doubt that's related.
i hope you can provide more details, maybe even a screenshot.


Hey, just purchased the game, could I get a Steam Key too, yet another German here.


hi there! are you at all planning to eventually release this game on mac/linux like for the first game? i'd like to know since i'm planning to switch over to linux soon, and i would rather not have to go through too much effort to emulate it. thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

you totally weren't talking to me, but I'll invite myself over anyway because I'm just like that.
I tested Fear & Hunger's linux build on the steam deck earlier this week. the performance was worse than bad. fps < 5 often enough. the rpg maker engine for linux just isn't there, or wasn't at the time of the latest F&H build (2021).

the windows version (of f&h1 anyway,) runs fine on linux. as far as "too much effort" goes, I use protonup-qt and lutris. I found those programs to be welcoming enough (caveat: started linuxing in 2017). whenever you do make the jump, i'd be happy to offer a rundown/answer questions, although i'm sure you won't have trouble finding better resources on those tools.

happy gaming


The Creator is pretty busy, i think it would be better to download them here, because it is difficult for him to give every german buyer a steam key


Hello, another German here. Just purchased the game, could I also get a Steam Key to play it on my Deck please? Cheers


Hi orange, like my fellow Germans, I would like to kindly ask for a Steam Key of the game (and the first one, I bought both because I straight up love them!).

(2 edits) (+2)

Hi, like many others I am from germany. I played the first game at my cousins place. i really loved it and i wanted to buy both games on steam but couldnt. I heard some people buy it on and then ask for the steam key. would you be kind enough to send me steam keys for the 2 games? i bought both from here. also supereyepatchwolf was right. your games are an amazing experience.


Heya, also a guy from germany who just had to buy both games because its lore is so fascinating. Would be nice to get the steam keys for them but more importantly: How crazy addicting is the lore omg! Inspired by Berserk the first game had me searching and looking up Endings, Bookpages, Threads - I HAD TO KNOW MORE!

I watch "NEW GOD(Fear & Hunger)" by Boalizard on YouTube almost religiously.

Thank you so much for the manmade horror beyond human understanding which I obsess about.


can anyone tell are those art works in games created by Miri too?


Yes, look up the Fear and Hunger youtube channel and he has art videos showing him drawing some characters, such as Marcoh!


love his unique art work!!


Hey! I'm from germany and bought this, and if possible, I'd like a Steam key, too!


Hi, I would also like to request steam keys for the first and this game (both have been purchased on, as I'm from germany. But other than that I also wanted to say:

What you've done here it beautiful. I am already purchasing Termina but that is mostly as a show of support and it will be a a while before I will start playing it, because F&H1 has been an addiction for the last few days. Each new run being a terrifying experience but, when it inevitably ends in the most gruesome way, it ends up being one of many puzzlepieces to fit together until you start making sense of what the game is about and what peoples motivations are. That is some amazing way to use the medium for storytelling and I hope you continue to have success with it. 


i as many other germans am here asking for a steam key. please and thank you


Hey, as many in the comments I'm from Germany (Bremen ;) ). It would be awesome if you have the possibility to send me the steam keys for the fist and this part of the game. I just bought them :)
Thank you in advance!


Hiho bought the game as well. Can you send me a steam key please? Your Game is banned in germany.

(1 edit)

Companion is stuck with woodsman appendage on face and I can't figure out how to get rid of it

Edit: the companion is Abella and she is looking suspiciously like the Chaugnar.


I bought both F&H and Termina and if it's really true and you can send People Steam Keys that woud help me a lot since i only have a Steam Deck and Germany is sadly wierd when it's about steam Games.

If not i just hope i can get a SteamKey somewhere else but they seem to be sold out everywhere. 


Hey, I am also here because the game is region locked in my country. I just bought the Version, but i heard it's possible to also get a Steam Key? 

That would be awesome. Thanks


Hey there, I just bought F&H and F&H: Termina. Would you mind sending me the keys for my Steam account? My country unfortunately banned your games :(

I m gonna be honest. You die alot in this game, and skipping through the same dialoge for 4  minutes is such a pain in the ass. before going for another attempt. 

in F&H1 you skipped the text and you were right in the action - miss that

Although it's still a bit longer that F&H1's beginning I think, if you choose the dialogue option that's like "I don't have time to talk"/"I have to get going", once you leave the train, you skip the entire rest of the conversation. 


Hello, i bought the game here on

could you please send me a key for steam as well? 

i live in germany and they basically banned it here so i cant even view it.


Step by step instructions for playing Termina on Mac

  1. Go to and download the appropriate version for your Mac (4.4.3 for MacOS 10.15 and above and 4.3.3 for MacOS before 10.15
  2. Move it to your applications folder
  3. Download Termina off of, NOT Steam. Steam will not let you install it on Mac.
  4. Click on your Termina zip file and expand it so you can see Game.exe
  5. Open PlayOnMac
  6. Click on “install a program” on the left hand side
  7. Click on “install a non listed program” at the bottom of the screen
  8. Hit next on the next three windows that pop up
  9. When it asks “what would you like to do”, choose install a program in a new virtual drive and hit next
  10. Type a name for your applications virtual drive
  11. Don’t click anything on the next screen, just hit next
  12. Choose 64 bits Windows installation on the next screen
  13. Wait until it’s done loading, and then browse your computer for your Termina game.exe file
  14. Click open
  15. Hit next
  16. Termina should open and run just fine!!
  17. Hit next
  18. Choose a file for PlayOnMac to make a shortcut (wmplayer.exe)
  19. Choose a shortcut name for wmplayer.exe
  20. Play the game!

I bought it on Steam. Do I have to buy it again on to download it? Or is there a way to transfer?


Sorry, you do have to buy it again on to download it. I also bought it on steam and learned the hard way that you can't even install windows programs on mac, even if they let you buy it. On the bright side, its fairly easy to get a refund from steam, just fill out the refund form and tell them that the game doesn't work on your OS. I got the refund from steam within 3 days and used it to but Termina on here.

Deleted 1 year ago

Hey thanks so much for the instructions! I completed everything here but I keep running into issues opening the application. Going through the Play On Mac install works just fine and it runs the program just fine for the installation, but I can't seem to run it after the install. I'd appreciate some help here. Really looking forward to playing this game!

Hey, I tried to follow these instructions. turns out 13 is an unlucky number. It just refuses to load, spins forever. I have tried googling and found a couple ppl with the same issue but no fix? anyone got any advice??

so strange I have this error when I tried to open up the shortcut : 

Error in POL_Wine

Starting 64-bit process wmplayer.exe is not supported in 32-bit virtual drives

can you help me please ?

so strange I have this error when I tried to open up the shortcut : 

Error in POL_Wine

Starting 64-bit process wmplayer.exe is not supported in 32-bit virtual drives

can you help me please ?


We need Mac version Plz!!!

Is there any way to skip the train sequence? I understand theres items of value in there. But to go through the dialogue every single time and the cutscene can be a little tiring. I mean yea sure with auto skip it's faster and everything. Just would like a skip to day 1 option and start freely tackling the challenges.

Not totally, but you can skip the majority of the beginning - skip intro (which is probably obvious lol, I'm assuming you already do that) and then when you get to the cutscene when you leave the train, select the option that's like "don't have time to talk" and you can at least skip the majority of the cutscene once you leave the train. Not sure if you're still looking for an answer to this if if this was a feature that hadn't been added yet 2 months ago, but hope this helps. 

set a fear and hunger game in vinland!!! come to michigan pls :3


This Game is badly written garbage because it's not available in my country.

When is the next update?
I'm really looking forward to it.

Heyja Orange, bit out there question but something i am wondering about;

Do you as the developer have any control over whether the game is on german steam or not? Is it just auto blocked due to tags?

I just find it baffling that stuff like Witcher and GTA, which have full frontal nudity, are a-okay, but a game like this is so forbidden.

are you sure it's not on german steam? check your steam settings if you have enabled something that blocks heavy NSFW games from appearing in your store, that might be what's blocking it


Yep, 100% certain. One of the first things i did back then when steam allowed 18+ games was to allow them, just for the german goverment to go "Nein, you don't have age verification, so no anime boobs for you. Excessive gore is fine though."


Steam is actively blocking it from the german shop.
They did the same thing with the first game.
Could be due to the themes of the game.
But it's true that some triple a games do the same things even worse-


Apparently, it works like this;

Games with Adult Only Tag are automatically hidden from german users, the tags are decided by the developer.

Pretttyyyy sure Fear & Hunger does not fit the Adult Only descriptor. Sex isn't in the forefront, and frankly there's worse sexual content in other games like GTA or Witcher.

I could of course also be wrong, but i'd love to have it on my steamlist. Heck, I'd even buy it again lol.

Would also make it easier to gift it to people.

I'd say Fear and Hunger is much more A/O than GTA or Witcher. Those games are built more around cathartic release; I wouldn't even call "Witcher" horror. The worse scene in Witcher 3 is the "Staked witch" scene, which is disgusting and pulls at the feelings; but it leaves players with greater resolve and empathy. In F&H, the harvestman was so much worse. Heck, even the consensual sex left a horrific pit in my stomach. The naked, dead strung up bodies, the "anal bleeding", limb loss, severed breasts & genitalia, cannibalism, self-harm, the helpless depression you just don't come back from...

Man, I love this game but I sure don't want my kids touching it before they're 18. 

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